- Clausena dunniana Levl 黑果黄皮
- Keywords Clausena dunniana;Rutaceae;Organic acid;Steroid;Triterpenoid; 齿叶黄皮;芸香科;有机酸;甾族化合物;三萜;
- -Mazz and Paris polyphylla Smithin Rees were relatively earlier and that of Paris dunniana Levl and Paris caobangensis Y.H.Ji,H.Li&Z. [结果]禄劝花叶重楼、大理重楼、滇重楼和多叶重楼的花药开裂相对较早,海南重楼和高平重楼相对较晚。
- Clausena dunnianan. 齿叶黄皮
- Boenninghausenia sessilicarpa Levl. 石椒草
- Clausena lansium ( Lour. ) Skeels. 黄皮
- Clausena anisata, ext.;Clausena anisata,ext. 名称 黄皮属茴香提取物;
- The Habit to Hang the Leaves of Artemisia argyi Levl. 悬挂艾叶的习俗。
- Abstract: OBJECTIVE To study the optimum technology for separating the pigment from the flower of Bauhinia aurea Levl. 文章摘要: 目的 研究紫荆花红色素的最佳提取分离方法和工艺。
- Objective To analyze the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Artemisia argyi Levl. 目的分析艾叶挥发油的主要化学成分。
- A method for the determination of guanfu base A, the active anti-arrhythmic principle in Aconitum coreanum (Levl ) Raipaics by RP-HPLC was reported. 采用 RP-HPLC方法对黄花乌头 Aconitum coreanum抗心律失常有效成分关附甲素(guanfu base A)的含量进行了测定。
- Title: Oviposition Response of Spodoptera exigue to the Extract and Four Fractions in Different Solvents from Artemisia argyi Levl. 关键词:甜菜夜蛾;艾蒿;馏分;触角反应;产卵忌避;产卵抑制
- Abstract : Wampee [Clausena lansium(Lour.) Skeels] seeds were chosen as materials to study the effect of KCN pretreatment on the desiccation sensitivity of recalcitrant seeds. 黄皮种子为典型的顽拗性种子,对脱水具有高度的敏感性(宋松泉和傅家瑞1992,1997;
- Clausena indica (Datz.)Oliv. 山黄皮
- Salvia cavaleriei Levl. 血盆草
- Clausena indica( Datz. ) Oliv. 山黄皮
- Aconitum bullatifolium Levl. 皱叶乌头
- Aconitum episcopale Levl. 紫草乌
- Conyza blinii Levl. 苦蒿
- Lysionotus cavaleriei Levl. 石豇豆