- Closed structural plane 闭合结构面
- A method for building a model in closed structure. 封闭结构模型建立方法。
- The acting law of syncline structure on mechanical effect of structural plane isanalyzed in detail. 深入分析了向斜构造对结构面力学效应的控制作用规律。
- It is important to measure parameters of structural plane and length of cranny.Traditional means waste too much manpower, material resources, and financial because people must measure on site. 在工程勘查中,结构面产状的测量,裂隙长度的测量都是非常重要的,传统方法是人到工程现场直接进行测量,这样会浪费大量的人力,物力,财力。
- The secondary faults developed in the thrust block at the inflection point of the nappe structural plane are the principal ore-hosting structure. 矿化带和矿体的形态、产状、分布和规模均严格受赋矿构造的控制。
- Closed structure of thread take up prevents oil leakage.(Traditional type has a hole at the front of the arm. 密闭式天平结构,防止天平漏油的缺失(传统式在壁部前端开孔)。
- The analysis about the shape of rock slope and structures plane shoos that slope stability varies with topography. 通过对岩体边坡产状与结构面产状关系的变化分析,表明爆破后的边坡的稳定性随地形的变化而不断变化。
- Moreover, it has good crushing ability, stable running, strong applicability and close structure. 它具有破碎能力强工作平稳适用性强结构紧凑等特点。
- Weak structural plane of rock mass 岩体软弱结构面
- The mechanics intensity of structural plane is the feeblest part in the rock mass structure, the exhibition of discontinuity, unequal and anisotropy for mechanics capability induced by structural plane. 结构面是岩体结构中力学强度最薄弱的部位,导致了岩体力学性能的不连续性、不均一性和各向异性。
- This product is fully closed structure and can work in every moist (it still can normal working under water 1.5 meter), dust and corrosiveness environment. 整体式全封闭结构,确保在各种潮湿(可在水下1.;5米处正常工作)、粉尘及腐蚀性环境中工作。
- Combination relation of structural plane 结构面组合关系
- Rock mass is synthetic geologic mass, lied in definite geologic surrounding, divided by various structure plane and had definite engineering geologic characteristic. 岩体是赋存于一定地质环境中,由各种各样的结构面所切割,具有一定工程地质特性的岩石综合体。
- The optional subculture medium is MS basal medium with 2mg/L 2,4-D,40g/L sucrose and lOg/L agar. High sucrose and agar is apt to keep the tight close structure of callus. 最佳继代培养基为:MS+2mg/L 2,4-D+40g/L蔗糖+10g/L琼脂,提高蔗糖及琼脂浓度有利于愈伤组织保持结构紧密的状态。
- Compared with the statistical probability model used for engineerings in the patst, the distribution shape can reflect better the intrinsical features of structure plane dist... 应用分形模型比以往工程上的统计概型更能反映结构面分布的本质特征。
- roek-soil preferred structural plane 岩土优势结构面
- shear strength parameters of structural plane 结构面抗剪强度参数
- single structural plane controlling effect 单结构面控制效应
- It says that in the serious county-faction confrontation areas, their township-level factions have a very closely structural interaction relationship with their county-level factions. 亦证明,在县级地方派系对立严重地区,乡镇(市)级地方派系与县级地方派系间有其结构性的互动关系。
- Advantageous Structural Plane Theory 优势结构面理论