- Closure of fistula of ear drum 鼓室瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of oval window of ear 耳卵园窗瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of round window of ear 耳园窗瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of middle ear 中耳瘘闭合术
- Closure of perforation of ear drum 鼓室穿孔闭合术
- Closure of fistula of nasal sinus 鼻窦瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of thoracic duct 胸导管瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊髓液瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of mastoid antrum 鼓窦瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of tympanic membrane 鼓膜瘘闭合术
- Causes of ear drum perforation included trauma, inactive chronic otitis media, and residual perforation caused by previous ventilation tube insertion. 破损的原因包括:外伤性鼓膜破裂、不活动慢性中耳炎、中耳通气管掉落后残存之破洞等。
- closure of fistula of mastoid 乳突瘘闭合术
- The cure rate of 364 ears in 350 cases of perforation of ear drum was 100%. 350例(364耳),中外伤性鼓膜穿孔310耳均1次治愈,治愈率100%25。
- Closure of fistula of bladder 膀胱瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of cervix 宫颈瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of cornea 角膜瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of diaphragm 膈瘘闭合术
- Closure of fistula of kidney 肾瘘闭合术
- Open wound of ear drum without complication 鼓膜开放性外伤不伴并发症
- Closure of fistula of mouth 口腔瘘闭合术