- Clotting factor XIII assay 凝块因子ⅩⅢ测定, 血纤维稳定因子测定
- Factor XIII assay 因子ⅩⅢ测定
- Franci C,Marder VJ. Increased resistance to plasmic degradation of fibrin with highly crosslinked a-polymer chains formed at high factor XIII concentrations[J].Blood.1988,71:1361. 薛毅;王庆才;徐俊;等.;纤维蛋白胶对实验性肝损伤的止血效果观察[J]
- Vitamin K : this vitamin is essential for hepatic synthesis of clotting factor prothrombin. 维生素K:这是一种肝脏合成凝结因子凝血酉每元所必需的维生素。
- Factor XIII or fibrin stabilizing factor is an enzyme (EC of the blood coagulation system that crosslinks fibrin. 什么是'因子十三缺陷-罕见的疾病所造成的凝血因子缺乏症'?
- The 2 mutations of the factor XIIIA cause the instability, degradation, and rapid disappearance of FXIIIA in cytoplasm, thus resulting in hereditary factor XIII deficiency. 两种FXIIIA基因突变导致FXIIIA在细胞内不稳定 ,迅速被降解 ,从而FXIIIA蛋白量减少和活性丧失。
- Clotting protein abnormalities in the plasma may develop in patients with poor clotting factor production due to liver disease or increased use due to infection. 血浆中凝血因子的异常可能是由于肝脏疾病导致的凝血因子生成不足,或者感染引起的消耗过多。
- Until recently, however, only a few recombinant DNA products has gone into the marketplace, these include human insulin, human somatotropin, urokinase, blot clotting factor, livestock vaccine, and interferon-2. 然而,近几年来,只有少数的重组DNA产品能进入市场;这些产品包括人类胰岛素,人类生长素,人类尿激酶,抗凝血因子,家畜疫苗和干扰素-2。
- A proteolytic enzyme in plasma that dissolves fibrin and other blood clotting factors. 血纤维蛋白溶酶血浆中能溶解血纤维蛋白和其它凝固血液的因素的蛋白水解酶
- Blood derived plasma protein solutions, such as: Human Serum Albumin, IgG, Clotting factors, etc. 来自血液的血浆蛋白溶液,如:人血清白蛋白,免疫球蛋白,凝结因子,等。
- Acquired factor XIII deficiency disease 获得性因子ⅩⅢ缺乏性疾病
- Fibrin and platelets combine to form a clot. Hemophilia is caused by a hereditary lack of one of the clotting factors. 血纤维蛋白和血小板一起形成血栓。血友病就是因为遗传上缺乏一种凝血胶原引起的。
- For example, the liver may stop producing enough clotting factors,which can lead to bleeding and bruising. 例如,肝脏也许停止导致足够的凝血因子,可能导致灵菌和挫伤。
- Hereditary factor XIII deficiency disease 遗传性因子ⅩⅢ缺乏性疾病
- Physicians are already using various pig components--heart valves, clotting factors, islet cells, even brain cells--to treat human maladies. 医生们正在利用猪的各个部分,如心脏瓣膜、凝血因子、胰岛细胞、甚至脑细胞,为人类治
- Quit-bleed maintains a normal concentration of prothrombin and other clotting factors in the blood plasma by promoting their biosynthesis in the liver. Quit-bleed能促进肝脏合成凝血因子prothrombin及其他凝血因子,以维持他们在血浆内的正常浓度。
- Microscopic thrombi can produce tissue ischemia, red cell fragmentation leading to a hemolytic anemia, or hemorrhage due to consumption of platelets and clotting factors. 微栓塞能够引起组织缺血,红细胞片断引发溶血性贫血,或者血小板和凝血因子消耗导致出血。
- Factor XIII inhibitor assay 因子ⅩⅢ抑制剂测定
- Blood clotting factor deficiency disorder 血凝因子缺乏病症
- antih(a)emophilic blood clotting factor 抗血友病血液凝固因子