- Clouds Race Across The Sky 穿过天空的云朵
- In a typical display, colored streamers seem to race across the sky. 典型的一种现象是:彩色的光流划过天际。
- Clouds scudded across the sky driven by high winds. 劲风吹著飞云掠过天空。
- The clouds flitted across the sky. 云朵掠过天空。
- The clouds were then dispersing across the sky. 此时空中的乌云渐渐消散。
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky. 闪电曲折地在天空划过。
- The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky. 白云飘过天空。
- Dark clouds were flying low across the sky. 乌云在低空翻滚。
- Great clouds drove across the sky. 密云掠过天空。
- I saw the clouds flying across the sky. 我看见云飞越天空。
- Clouds were scudding across the sky. 云飞越天空。
- A balloon floated across the sky. 有个气球从空中飘过。
- The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky. 太阳看起来在天空以弧线运行。
- On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky. 在朝东方向的远处,好几艘燃烧的油轮发出的一片巨大的烟云,在天空中慢慢地扩展开来。
- Every now and then clouds floated across the sky. 天空中时而飘过几朵白云。
- Clouds were flying across the sky. 云飘过天空。
- He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 他将参加横渡大西洋的一次重要比赛。
- The clouds drove across the sky . 云在天空疾驶。
- It looked as if there would be an exciting race across the Channel. 看起来似乎有一场精采的飞越英吉利海峡的比赛。
- A meteor suddenly shot across the sky. 一颗流星急速掠过天空。