- Lower level of cognitive process. 低层次认知过程。
- A virtual human is regarded as an agent with built-in cognitive model that integrates emotion model and cognitive process together. 可以将虚拟人视为一个智能主体,将虚拟人的情绪表现模型和认知活动结合起来。
- The cognitive process; cognition. 认知认知的过程;认知
- Objective To valve change of cerebral hemodynamics in cognitive process. 目的:探讨认知过程中脑血流动力学的变化。
- Bloomer Learning Test (BLT) is a learning cognitive process test based on "processed model", which is beyond the traditional intelligence tests. 布鲁默学习测验(Bloomer Learning Test,简称BLT)是一种与传统智商测验迥异、基于“过程”模型的加工过程测验。
- The Process ing and analysis method were studiedforthe European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) wind scatterometerdata (WNF) . 该文研究了欧洲遥感卫星(ERS) 散射计全球海面风场数据的处理分析技术。
- This model integrate reasoning with intuition by handling task divisionally and parallelly and working competitively and coordinately, in order to describe human cognitive process precisely. 此模型通过分层并行处理、竞争协作实现的思想,将推理和直觉结合在一起。
- Empathy has been conceived as being a cognitive process or an emotional cognitive one. 移情被认为是一种认知过程或一种情绪认知过程。
- The check re-sults proves successful casting of the pallet body in6# sinter which will provide the experience for the produc-tion an d process ing of the important parts in the future. 通过性能检测证明,6%23结机台车体铸造是成功的,为今后重要备件的生产加工提供了可借鉴的经验。
- Using ASL 501 Model eye-tracker system, the study investigated the characteristics of the cognitive processing of Advertisement information. 摘要采用眼动记录法探讨了广告信息的认知加工特点。
- The cognitive process of mental rotation is located in right parietal hemispheric. 结论分类任务由于不需要心理旋转加工,其erp成分不会受到旋转所引起的变化。
- However, a mere discussion of the entertainment of incongruity is not adequate for revealing the cognitive process of humor understanding. 我们认为仅仅探讨不和谐因素的获得并不足于解释幽默的整个认知过程。
- Few technologies exist to automate the cognition process. 使认知过程自动化的技术不多。
- Vision is the most important cognitive process of animals, which first occurs in the retina. 视觉是动物最重要的认知过程,它首先发生于视网膜。
- Motivation, cognitive process, affects, moods, and raters' stabile personal traits were regarded as rater factors. 考核者因素包括考核者的动机、认知过程、情感、情绪以及稳定的人格特质。
- Transformations in English idioms are the result of cognitive process working on thinking and conceptualizing. 英语习语的变体是一般认知过程作用于思维、概念的结果。
- This requires a notion of "strong equivalence" of cognitive process and computative process. 这就需要一个关于认知过程与计算过程的强等价概念。
- Phonological Loop is one of the components in Working Memory Model proposed by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974. It is considered to be related to some higher cognitive processes, such as reading comprehension, for its intrinsic characteristics. 语音回路是Baddeley和hitch在1974年提出的工作记忆模型中的一个成分。
- The essence of advertisement translation is seeking the optimal relevance in the cognitive process of ostensive inference. 广告翻译的核心就是通过明示-推理的认知活动寻找最佳关联性。