- The cold resistant cultivars exerted their SPC and activities of SOD and APX to acclimate chilling stress. 这3项指标能反映豇豆品种耐寒性,耐寒性品种3项指标升高,以SOD活性变化最剧烈。
- "You I458" is a new hybrid rice combination,which is bred by crossing between wild-abortive homeotypic cytoplasmic male sterile "You IA" and strong restoring line "R458". “优I458”是利用野败同型不育系“优IA”与本所育成的早稻强恢复系“R458”配制而成的杂交早稻新组合。
- The brown rice percentage of hybrids was controlled by GCA and SCA, and GCA of parents, especially the restoring line parents, played a more important role. 父、母本的一般配合力作用大于组合的特殊配合力作用,一般配合力方差占总个基因型方差的65.;02%25,特殊配合力方差占34
- Method: The mouse shinning,burden swimming,heat-resistant,cold resistant and tolerating anoxia were detected by experiment. 方法:对实验小鼠进行爬杆、负重游泳、耐高温、耐寒冷、耐缺氧等实验观察。
- Effect of PVA Preteatment on Cold Resistance of Chinese Milk Vetch. 聚乙烯醇处理对紫云英抗寒性影响的研究
- Passive Effect - Pierces the cold resistance of your enemies. 被动技能-瓦解您的敌人的冰系免疫。
- The paper introduces the Hsien rice restoring line Chen R92-225 breeding by allomixis and irradiation methods, the characteristic and application of Hsien rice restoring line Chen R92-225. 摘要本文介绍了籼型恢复系郴R92-225的杂交和辐射选育过程、特征特性及配制杂交组合应用于生产的情况。
- In the former results, it indicatedthat Ca2~+-CaM have involved in the signal transduction for cold stress and theformation for cold resistant of plants. 并且以前的研究结果表明Ca~(2+)-CaM参与了植物对低温胁迫的信号传导及耐冷性的形成。
- Breeding guideline-Infiltrating the Japonica genetic material into the genetic background of indica high combining ability restoring line so as to expand genetic diversity and increase heterosis. 选育思路:在籼型高配合力恢复系遗传背景中渗入部分粳稻血缘,以扩大遗传差异提高杂种优势水平为基础;
- Also, growingx up in a cold climate has made them cold resistant (I wishgI was cold resistant too, but Marvting Finland is not cold enough forb hat, I guyss. 由于生于寒冷的气候,让他们有抵抗寒冷的能力。(我也希望我因此有抗冷的能力,不过我猜可能芬兰还不够冷吧。
- A new early restorer line, Hui 92, was developed from the cross of IR209 and strong restoring line Ce 64-7. 摘要利用国际水稻所培育的品系IR209作母本,与强恢复系测64-7杂交配组,定向选育成早熟恢复系恢92。
- Studies on the screening and utilizing of cold resistance in Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型油菜耐寒性的筛选及利用研究。
- Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of four main oil crops in the world and its hybrid production depends on three lines (sterile line, maintainer line and restoring line). 向日葵杂种生产采用三系配套系统完成。
- Dark green leaf, green petiole, heat and rain tolerance, cold resistance,resistant to diseases, wide adaptability. 叶色深绿、叶柄绿、耐热、耐湿、抗寒、抗病、适应性广。
- New hybrid lines were selected using the new restoring lines crossbred with different sterile lines. 新恢复系与不同的不育系配制成不同类型的杂交稻组合。
- Our main products of conveyor belts include: Standard bype, High strength type(NN,EP),pipe type, chmical resistant, high temperature resistant, cold resistant, laceration resistant and etc. 输送带主要品种有:普通型、强力型(尼龙、聚酯)、管状型、耐酸碱、耐高温、耐寒、防撕裂等。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The new late-season Indica hybrid rice Tian-feng-you 134 was derived from Tianfeng A group and restorer line R134. 摘要天丰优134是用天丰A与恢复系R134配组而成的杂交晚稻新组合。该组合具有米质优、产量高、抗倒伏和易制种等特点。
- Effects of fertilizer treatments on seedling growth and cold resistance of triploid Populus tomentosa. 不同施肥处理对三倍体毛白杨苗木生长及抗寒性的影响。
- Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on storage nutrient and cold resistance of Diospyros lotus L. 丛枝菌根真菌对君迁子贮藏营养及抗冻性的影响。