- Coleochaete irregularis var. minorn. 不整鞘毛藻小型变种
- Coleochaete irregularis var. irregularisn. 不整鞘毛藻原变种
- Coleochaete irregularisn. 不整鞘毛藻
- Urocystis irregularis on Aconitum carmichaelii and Sorosporium pamparum on Pennisetum flacidum.The description of symptom and pathogen of them were given. 对每个病害发生的症状、病原形态及分布进行了描述。
- Coleochaete divergens var. minorn. 歧鞘毛藻小型变种
- Coleochaete scutata var. scutatan. 鞘毛藻原变种
- Coleochaete scutata var. reticulatan. 鞘毛藻网纹变种
- Dicranopteris ampla f. irregularis 参差大芒萁
- Coleochaete pseudosolutan. 伪散生鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete obricularisn. 圆形鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete pulvinatan. 垫形鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete solutan. 散生鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete divergensn. 歧鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete scutatan. 鞘毛藻
- Coleochaeten. 鞘毛藻属(鞘毛藻科)
- Coleochaete scutata virus 盾鞘藻病毒
- Hadena irregularisn. 杂盗夜蛾
- Leucania irregularisn. 差粘夜蛾
- Spilarctia irregularisn. 昏斑污灯蛾
- Cypassis irregularisn. 不规则腰带虫