- Coleochaete pulvinatan. 垫形鞘毛藻
- Selaginella pulvinata (Hook.et Grev.) Maxim. 垫状卷柏
- The types of tracheary elements of S. pulvinata, S. davidii and S. sinensis were first reported. 垫状卷柏、蔓出卷柏和中华卷柏的管状分子类型为首次报道。
- Selaginella pulvinata Maxim. 垫状卷柏
- Arenaria pulvinata Edgew. 垫状雪灵芝
- The tracheary elements of S. sanguinolenta and S. pulvinata were the most evolutionary, followed by S. davidii and that of S. sinensis was the most primitive in the four species of Selaginella. 这4种卷柏中,圆枝卷柏和垫状卷柏的管状分子最为进化,蔓出卷柏次之,中华卷柏最原始。
- Only vessels were observed in Selaginella sanguinolenta and Selaginella pulvinata, including two types of scalariform perforation plates and reticulate-scalariform perforation plates. 圆枝卷柏、垫状卷柏仅观察到导管,有梯状穿孔以及网状-梯状混合型穿孔2种类型。
- Coleochaete irregularis var. minorn. 不整鞘毛藻小型变种
- Coleochaete divergens var. minorn. 歧鞘毛藻小型变种
- Coleochaete scutata var. scutatan. 鞘毛藻原变种
- Coleochaete irregularis var. irregularisn. 不整鞘毛藻原变种
- Coleochaete scutata var. reticulatan. 鞘毛藻网纹变种
- Coleochaete irregularisn. 不整鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete pseudosolutan. 伪散生鞘毛藻
- Arenaria pulvinata Edgew 垫状雪灵芝
- Selaginella pulvinatan. 垫状卷柏
- Coleochaete obricularisn. 圆形鞘毛藻
- Coleochaete solutan. 散生鞘毛藻
- Sibbaldia pulvinatan. 垫状山莓草
- Arenaria pulvinatan. 垫状雪灵芝