- Collected value statistic 集值统计
- This set of stamps are of great collection value. 这组纪念套票非常有收藏价值。
- Fine detail,of collecting value. 细节较精,有收藏价值。
- Normally, the object that collect must be boondoggle, craft must complex, admire without what otherwise, collect value. 通常,收藏的对象必须是手工品,工艺必须复杂,否则就没有什么欣赏、收藏价值。
- The mean value statistic analyse of treatments showed that NPK, M, MNPK, M2 all could increase MBC and MBN compared to CK.The enhance of MBC (M.MNPK, M2) and MBN (N) were notable (P<0.01). 所有月份各处理均值方差分析结果表明:与CK相比,NPK、M、MNPK、M2均能提高MBC和MBN,其中M、MNPK、M2对MBC的提高达到显著水平切(P<0.;01),M对MBN的提高达到显著水平(P<0
- Recommend a site: Even if is popular no longer, choose blue Bai Heng design of classical and naval unlined upper garment also is had collect value. 推荐点:即便流行不再,选择蓝白横条的经典海军衫款式也具有收藏价值。
- The entrance furniture that at present Beijing sells is pure commonly handcrafted, those who use is foreign high-grade lumber, not only practical still have collect value. 目前北京市出售的进口家具一般是纯手工制造,采用的是国外高档木材,不仅实用还具有收藏价值。
- The book has initiative, emergent novelty and collecting value. 具有开创性、新颖性和收藏价值。
- This classic book has collection value, you'd better buy one. 这本图典有收藏价值,你应该买一本。
- This large gold collar modelling, dignified, and then USES for the gate of the payment of taxes. At present domestic extremely rare, very precious, collect value. 这件大型金铤造型端庄,用途明确,为当时出入城门缴纳的税款。目前国内极为罕见,十分珍贵,极具收藏价值。
- Both types have collection values now, do they? 两类钱币现在都具有收藏价值吗?
- Have very good collect value! 有很好的收藏价值!
- Each painting of Ms. Wu is the only one in the world. Her paintings have high art value and collection value. 吴老师的每一幅作品都将是世界唯一。她的作品具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- He collected a bundle of sticks. 他收集了一捆树枝。
- Ivanov modifies the Dionysiac theory, endowing it with a religious color and collective value. 伊凡诺夫把酒神理论改造得具有了宗教色彩和集体价值。
- He collected on the damage to his house. 他收到房屋损坏赔偿费。
- The engraved table of the kang, which was made during the Qing Dynasty, has a certain collectable value now. 这个清代的雕花炕几,如今具有一定的收藏价值。
- Taxes were collected in dribs and drabs. 税是一点一滴收集起来的。
- At present, Huang Inkstone more than 100 varieties, have a high collection value, are exported overseas. 目前,黄石砚有100多个品种,具有较高的收藏价值,远销海外。