- On Education of College Basic Computer Course 论大学计算机基础课程的教育
- Discussion about College Basic Computer Course 对高校计算机基础教学的探讨
- College Basic Computer Course 计算机基础课程
- Basic computer course experienced the process from scattered to systematization and achieved distinct effect in Chengdu University of Technology. 摘要成都理工大学计算机基础课程教学经历了一个从分散到统一的改革过程,并取得了明显的成效,但也存在一些问题。
- The Reform of Basic Computer Course in College 大学计算机基础课程教学改革研究
- college level basic computer course 大学计算机基础课程
- In VB teaching, how to solve the baldness in program design always interests the teachers who teach the basic computer courses. 在VB教学中,如何解决程序设计本身枯燥难学这个难题,一直是高校计算机基础课教师颇感兴趣的课题。
- teaching in basic computer course 计算机基础教学
- E-Learning: A New Attempt to Reform College Basic Computer Teaching 高校计算机基础教学改革的新尝试
- Basic Computer Course Teaching in Colleges and Universities 高校计算机基础教学之我见
- On the Reform of Basic Computer Course in Medical Schools 对医学计算机基础教学的改革刍议
- A Study of the Graded Teaching Model of Basic Computer Course of Colleges 高等院校计算机基础分级教学模式的探讨
- She is planning to take a computer course. 她打算修一门计算机课。
- Where can I register for the computer course? 我选计算机课程到哪里登记?
- Exploration on the Reform of Basic Computer Course and its Teaching in Colleges and universities 高校计算机基础课程与教学改革的探索
- My favorite course is computer course. 我最喜爱的课程是计算机.
- On Discussion of Training Arts Students'Ability in Basic Computer Courses 从计算机基础课教学谈文科学生认知能力的培养
- Fluent English ability and basic computer using ability. 流利的中英文听、说、读、写能力及电脑操作能力;
- This is the basic computer "keyframe" approach to animation. 这也是计算机动画所采用的基本原理。
- The computer course includes plenty of hands-on training. 计算机课程包括大量实际操作训练。