- College History Teaching 高校历史教学
- Such, too, was history teaching. 同样,历史教学也是这样。
- MIDDLEBURY, Vt. - Middlebury College history students are no longer allowed to use Wikipedia in preparing class papers. 美国佛蒙特州米德尔伯里学院有关方面近日做出了一项决定,今后将不再允许该校歷史系的学生从维基百科网站上下载材料用於课堂论文的写作中。
- From my point of view, the most interesting and impressive page of the College history was that happened during the Japanese Invasion. 我认为本校最吸引及令人难忘的,就是它在日治时期的经历。
- This thesis deals with the history teaching of representative system in senior high school. 西方各国代议制的特点不明确;
- During the 2005-2006 season, Al Skinner became the all-time winningest coach in Boston College history, surpassing Jim O'Brien's 168 wins. 2005-2006赛季中,斯金纳成功超越了吉姆-奥-布赖恩的168胜的战绩,成为波士顿学院获胜场次最多的教练。
- Evidence in History and the Classroom;A.k. Dickinson, A.Gravel, History Teaching and Historical Understqndin. 李稚勇.;美国历史学科国家课程标准论析
- In the last period of Qing dynasty, modern history teaching methods all contain a regular teaching mode greatly influenced by German Herbart’s way. 近代历史教学方法在清末受到德国赫尔巴特教学方法的影响,具备了固定的教学模式。
- A group of college history students and their teacher, Professor Adams, are having a class discussion. Two of the students, Pam and Elaine, are doing most of the talking. 一群大学历史系的学生和他们的老师、亚当斯教授正在讨论,其中两个学生,宝宝和伊爱玲谈兴正浓。
- The theses consists of three parts, reporting the theoretical and practical exploration of personality education in history teaching. 本文主要从三方面对中学历史学科中的人格教育进行了理论和实践两方面的探索。
- It is the focus of Chinese modern journalism history teaching to study the relationship between the media and transformation of Chinese modern culture. 探究报刊等传媒与中国近代文化转型的关系是中国近代新闻史教学与研究的焦点;
- To cultivate the students ability of ideational innovation is the principal task in high schools history teaching model research and innovation. 培养学生的创新思维能力是高中历史教学模式的研究与创新的重要内容。
- Some of those historic facts and personalities have been replaced with references to old customs and fashions, prompting some critics to say that history teaching has lost focus. 一些历史内容和特质被文化习俗和风尚所替代,一些批评家认为历史教学失去了重心。
- With the advent of the globalization age, carrying out multicultural education has become an important task of history teaching in middle schools in many countries. 随着全球化时代的到来,开展多元文化教育已成为世界上许多国家中学历史教学的重要任务。
- Nevertheless, some topics remained unchanged in American history teaching, such as the War of Independence, American Constitution, the Civil War, and FDR's New Deal. 另一方面,独立战争、美国宪法和美国的建立、美国内战、罗斯福新政一直是中国中学美国历史教学的经典内容。
- What experience and history teach is this-that people and government never have learnt anything from history,or acted on principles deduced from it. 经验和历史教给我们的是:国民与政府既没从历史中学到什麽,也没依据历史所演译的原理行动。
- Issues and principles in using literature in history teaching, which mainly include Principle of fully using course pack, of authentication, of application, and of appropriation. 三、历史教学中运用文学作品的原则及应注意的问题,主要有充分使用教材原则,真实性原则,实用性原则及适度原则。
- This thesis is divided into four parts.The thesis relates necessity of study, feasibility of theory teaching, indivisibility of theory teaching and history teaching three tasks. 本文共分为四部分,论述了研究的必要性,通过典型举例的方法叙述了理论教学的可行性以及与历史教学三大任务的不可分性。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。
- This article, which consists four parts, expounds the practice and reflection of applying Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory in history teaching in Tianjin Artistic School. 本文阐述了多元智能理论在艺术学校历史教学中的实践与思考,全文共分为四个部分。