- Combat Body Armor 战斗身体护甲
- Body armor, especially a breastplate. 盔甲身上的盔甲,尤指胸铠
- The kits that do not have body armor are the Special Forces, Combat Engineer, Corpsman (medic), and Sniper. 没有防弹衣的兵种是特种部队,工兵,医疗兵和狙击手。
- Due to the mass of their body armor, Cryo Legionnaires tend to come down hard from these flights, and may use this to their advantage in close-quarters combat. 由于他们身上装甲的巨大质量,冷冻兵将会重重地从空中落下,并以此在近距离战斗中占得优势。
- While it's not entirely ready for combat, laboratory research suggests that liquid body armor has the potential to be a good replacement for or supplement to bulkier vests. 无论是用金属板还是纤维层制成,盔甲常常很笨重。有些盔甲很坚硬,所以用作手臂、腿和脖子处的防护就有些不切实际。
- Throughout their evolution all crocs have sported this body armor. 在鳄鱼的生长演化过程中,他们一直穿着这种铠甲,绚丽无比。
- Mountain biking is so dangerous that body armor should be worn. 很快证实,多亏了外部防弹装甲层,班长只是感到轻微的眩晕罢了。
- While not totally bulletproof,the body armor can stop a small- caliber round. 装甲层虽不能完全做到刀枪不入,但足以抵挡小口径子弹的攻击。
- While not totally bulletproof, the body armor can stop a small- caliber round. 装 甲 层 虽 不 能 完 全 做 到 刀 枪 不 入 , 但 足 以 抵 挡 小 口 径 子 弹 的 攻 击 。
- New items : Detonation Cord, Smoke Grenade, Pancor Jackhammer, Nano Body Armor. 新增道具:爆破索,烟雾弹,工程师专用连发散弹枪,纳米护甲
- It's quickly apparent the squad leader is only slightly stunned,thanks to an outer layer of body armor. 很快证实,多亏了外部防弹装甲层,班长只是感到轻微的眩晕罢了。
- The difference between web surfing with IE and Firefox is the difference between body armor and a trendy cotton vest. 用IE和Firefox上网冲浪的区别就好比穿上厚重的铠甲和身著时尚的全棉背心的区别。
- Moreover, Uzziah prepared for all the army shields, spears, helmets, body armor, bows and sling stones. 代下26:14乌西雅为全军豫备盾牌、枪、盔、甲、弓、和甩石的机弦。
- Info:Body armor jacket Strong adjustable shoulder and forearm straps Certified Elbow and shoulder guard ...... 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用人群:男人
- Info:Motorbike body armor safety jacket Protectors on elbows, forearms, shoulder, chest and spine guards ...... 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用人群:男人
- Infantry, armor, and other combat arms. 步兵,装甲兵和其他作战兵种
- Attaching nylon molecules to a nanotube surface, for example, could make long, flexible nylon fibers to reinforce clothing as well as aircraft surfaces, body armor and parachutes. 例如,把耐纶分子接到奈米管的表面,可以做出长而有弹性的耐纶纤维,以加强衣服甚至飞机外壳、防弹衣与降落伞的坚韧性。
- During an interview about the CYA expansion, IGA CEO, Justin Townsend, was particularly excited about this new body armor feature. 新的广告样式也会成为解锁项目;让玩家在游戏中有更多的选择.
- The angular shifting camo pattern of the SPI armor was one part legionnaire mail, one part tactical body armor, and one part chameleon. SPI盔甲那个有棱角的变化伪装图案是军用铠甲的一部分,一部分是战术体甲,一部变色。
- The two primary types of liquid body armor currently in development both start with a foundation of DuPont Kevlar , commonly used in bulletproof vests. 现在在研究中的两类液体护甲都是在凯夫拉纤维(一种广泛用于防弹衣的合成纤维,译者注)的基础上发展起来的。