- Combat Brigade Air Attack 作战旅空中攻击
- Combat Brigade Air Cavalry 空中骑兵战斗旅
- Cavalry Brigade Air Attack 骑兵旅空中攻击
- The fort can't be defended against an air attack. 这个要塞无法防御来自空中的袭击。
- The city came under air attack during the night. 这座城市那天夜里遭到了空袭。
- The air bases were subjected to intense air attack. 这些空军基地遭到猛烈的空袭。
- McKiernan says he needs at least 10,000 more troops to fight the insurgents, in addition to another U.S. combat brigade that is scheduled to arrive in January. 麦基尔南说,除了预定一月份抵达的一个美国战斗旅之外,他还需要至少一万人的增援部队,来对付叛乱分子。
- They were alarmed by a sudden air attack. 突然空袭使他们大为惊恐。
- The fort cannot be defended against an air attack. 这座要塞遭到空袭时无法防御。
- Members of the Anti-Smuggling Combat Brigade of Gongbei Customs searched a fishing boat which had been acting suspiciously and found a total of 122 tons frozen goods including beef tripe, pork stomachs and chicken feet. 拱北海关缉私队员在涉嫌走私的渔船上发现了牛百叶、猪肚、鸡脚等冻品,总数达122吨。
- In modern war both combatant and noncombatant are killed in air attack. 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。
- Air Cavalry Combat Brigade Triple Capability Division 空中骑兵战斗旅三重能力师
- A whole tank regiment was completely immobilized by enemy air attacks. 敌军的空袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了。
- We have taken measures to safeguard our city from air attack. 我们已采取措施以防遭到空袭。
- A surprise air attack(= from aircraft)was launched at night. 夜间突然发起了空袭。
- The US delivered an early riposte to the air attack. 美国对空袭很快做出了反应。
- A whole tank regiment is completely immobilized by enemy air attack. 敌军的空袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了。
- We have taken measures to safeguard our city from air attack . 我们已采取措施以防遭到空袭。
- In modern wars both combatants and noncombatants are killed in air attacks. 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。