- Commander Army Group Signals 集团军群通信司令官
- Commander Army Group 集团军群司令
- Army Group Center reached Smolensk by July. 军队小组中心在7月前到达了斯摩棱斯克。
- The army group shipped out for the Far East today. 这支部队今天乘船赴远东。
- Amid this rout, SS chief Himmler had his chance at being an army group commander and suffered the indignity of being sacked by Hitler for incompetence. 面对这种情况,党卫队头目希姆莱有机会来担任一个集团军群的司令,却因无能被希特勒的解职。
- His brief tenure as commander of Army Group Vistula had seen thousands of German soldiers die in hopeless counteroffensives. 他短暂指挥维斯瓦集团军群时,曾把数千名德军士兵投入到绝望的反击中。
- Hans von Kluge, the commander of Army Group B, was pleading with Hitler to allow a withdrawal of the 400,000 troops that were now threatened with encirclement. 汉斯冯克鲁格,B集团军群司令恳求希特勒撤回又被包围危险的40万军队。
- Army Group North was driving up along the Baltic toward Leningrad. 北方军团,沿着波罗的海向列宁格勒挺进。
- Divisions now fit into a multilevel command structure.From Theatre, Army Group, Army, Corps through to Division. 师现在嵌入了一个多层次的指挥体系,从战区到集团军群,到集团军,到军再到师。
- Our vanward army is red 5 army group and red 9 army. 我们的先锋部队是红5军团和红9军。
- This army group was the first one to enter the capital. 该集团军是首批进京的部队。
- He himself was then to deliver his copy of the papers to Field Marshal Ferdinand Schoerher, whose army group still held out intact in the Bohemian mountains and whom Hitler had named as the new Commander in Chief of the Army. 他本人然后把他带的一份送交给斐迪南 - 舒埃纳尔元帅,后者的集团军群仍完整无损地坚守在波希米亚山区,希特勒己任命他为新的陆军总司令。
- Rommel, who had lost the favor of Hitler after Tunisian Campaign and had been demoted to a post in Northern Italy for some time, was now recalled to an important position, the commander of Army Group B in the Western Front. 隆美尔将军在突尼斯战役后,曾经一度失去希特勒的宠爱,被降职到意大利的北部,此刻他又被重新启用,调到诺曼底担任一个重要职务:西线的B集团军司令。
- Due to the lamentable state of German intelligence, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the commander of Army Group B, had no firm intelligence about where the Allied troops would come ashore. 由于德国情部门的低级能力,隆美尔元帅,B集团军群的司令,根本不知道盟军会从何处登陆。
- In Poland, Army Group Center was to drive east to Smolensk, then on to Moscow. 在波兰,中央集团军群将一直向东前进,先占领斯摩棱斯克州,然后到达莫斯科。
- Before the Long March,because of his opposition to dogmatism in the military command,he was wrongly dismissed from the post of chief of the general staff and demoted to chief of staff of the Fifth Army Group of the Chinese Workers'and Peasants'Red Army. 长征开始前,他因反对军事指挥上的教条主义,被错误地撤销了总参谋长的职务,到五军团去当参谋长。
- An army commander must be skilled in tactics. 一名军事指挥官必须精通战术。
- Chinchow, however, fell and with it 120,000 troops while the Liao Army Group was just a little way out of Mukden. 但是,廖兵团刚开出沈阳不远,锦州便告失守,防守该城的十二万蒋军全军覆没。
- McChrystal shuttled between the conventional army and assignments commanding Army Rangers and Special Forces personnel. 他后来在哈佛大学和外交关系理事会担任访问学者。
- On January 12, 1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead at Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia. 1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领的俄国集团军群从华沙南面维斯杜拉河上游的巴拉诺夫桥头堡出击,向西里西亚推进。