- Commenced to heave up anchor 开始起锚
- Some politicians make you want to heave up. 有些政客使你恶心。
- A performance like that makes me want to heave up. 像那样的表演简直令我作呕。
- The captain ordered the engineer to start the engine and the watch officer to heave up the anchor, the ship is about to get under way. 船长已命令轮机员开车,值班驾驶员起锚,船即将开航。
- It's a very bad thing to heave things around. 把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。
- At the age of twenty he commenced to study French. 他在二十岁时开始学法语。
- Outside the town the road commenced to mount. 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。
- Outside the town the road commenced to mount . 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。
- Then it commenced to rain pieces of steel. 接着,钢铁的碎片象一阵骤雨从天而降。
- I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs. 我用力把箱子弄下楼梯。
- It' s a very bad thing to heave things around. 把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。
- They heaved up the anchor by means of a donkey engine. 他们用辅轨把锚拖起来。
- The little girl commenced to cry when she saw the snake. 这小女孩一看到蛇就开始哭了起来。
- They need some machinery to heave the sunken boat up from the bottom of the lake. 他们需要一些机械来把沉船从湖底打捞上来。
- heave up an anchor in preparation for sailing. 用力举起锚准备航海。
- She commenced to cry and put my patient record in her apron pocket. 她开始哭起来,把我的病历放在她罩衫的衣袋里。
- She flared up at this, got theatrical about it.And after a lot of gushing she commenced to whine and slobber. 听到这话她发火了,表演了一番,没完没了他说了许多之后呜呜大哭起来,鼻涕眼泪流了不少。
- She flared up at this, got theatrical about it.And after a lot of gushing she commenced to whine and slobber."I'm crazy," she blubbered. 听到这话她发火了,表演了一番,没完没了他说了许多之后呜呜大哭起来,鼻涕眼泪流了不少。
- Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan. 水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。
- He clutched the platform with both hands and tried to heave his legs up, straining to the left. 他用两手攀着上面,两脚再向上缩; 他肥胖的身子向左微倾,显出努力的样子。