- The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation. 部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。
- The king refuses to comment on the election results. 国王拒绝评论选举的结果。
- The Red Army covered25000 li on the Long March. 红军长征时走了二万五千里。
- The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign. 首相拒绝对他准备隐退的谣传做任何评论。
- I had a rude comment on the tip of my tongue, but I decided not to say it. 一句粗话已到嘴边,但我还是决定不说为好。
- The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map. 在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。
- Comment on The Long Tail 长尾理论
- He made an impersonal comment on the incident. 他对那一事件作了客观的评论。
- I feel unqualified to comment on the subject. 我觉得没有资格对此事发表意见。
- The president offered no comment on the question. 总统对这个问题未作评论。
- I made no comment on the subject. 对这个问题我不予置评。
- Comment on the Poet Li Dong's Poetry in. 晚唐诗人李洞诗歌试论;
- She refused to make a comment on the incident. 她拒绝就那个事件发表看法。
- The Red Army covered 25000 li on the Long March. 红军长征时走了二万五千里。
- Quanta declined to comment on the orders. 广达方面对此不发表评论。
- And this brought on the long Trojan War. 这就导致了旷日持久的特洛伊战争。
- Have you got any comment on the project? 你对这个项目有什么评价?
- Yahoo declined to comment on the leaked documents. 雅虎拒绝对泄露的文件发表评论。
- He refused to pass any comment on the committee's decision. 他不肯对委员会的决定作任何评论