- New comments on Ci by Zhou Bangyan 周邦彦词新论
- "The Notes and Comments on ci poetry" 人间词话
- Notes and comments on ci poetry among mortals 人间词话
- He made some comments on current topics. 他对时事问题做了若干的评论。
- He made no comments on our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。
- The teacher made comments on our compositions. 老师就我们的作文作了讲评。
- He made an impersonal comment on the incident. 他对那一事件作了客观的评论。
- He did not comment on what I said. 他对我的话未作评论。
- Has Liu Chenweng Meant to Make Commentary on ci? 刘辰翁有意评点过词吗?
- Equitable Comments on PAN Lang's Statement on Ci and His Work of Ci Poems 潘阆的词论及其词作评议
- The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation. 部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。
- Downing Street has so far refused to comment on these reports. 英国政府对这些报道迄今不予置评。
- The president's comment on taxes make him a sit duck to critic. 总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。
- The king refuses to comment on the election results. 国王拒绝评论选举的结果。
- The newspaper have a very popular columnist comment on current affairs. 这家报纸有一位深受欢迎的专栏作家评论时事。
- Some street idlers were making Fescennine comments on passing girls. 街上一些游手好闲之徒正在封路过的女孩们用猥亵言语评头论足。
- He refused to pass any comment on the committee's decision. 他不肯对委员会的决定作任何评论
- The Academic Background of Notes and Comments on Ci Poetry Written in the Qing Dynasty 论清人词话的学术背景
- The development of notes on ci poetry relies on the development of ci poetry. 词话这种文学形式要依附于词的发展而发展。
- A novel that is a comment on contemporary lawlessness. 一本对同时代的人作评论的小说