- Community health care Center 社区服务中心
- What is Quality of Community Health Care? 什么是社区卫生服务质量?
- F&B/Entertainment Service: Bearty Salon ; Ping-Pong Room; Health Care Center. 餐饮娱乐服务:美容美发乒乓球室康体中心。
- Other health care providers: Hospitals, nursing homes, and community health clinics may have quality reports. 其它健康提供者:医院、护理院和社区诊所可能有品质报告。
- Since the earthquake, the health care center's main building has been deemed uninhabitable. 在地震当天,保健院的大楼成了危房,所有的在院人员都紧急撤出。
- Emphasis of community health service should be paid attention to health care of the old. 社区卫生服务有待进一步完善 ,老年人的健康保健是今后社区卫生服务的重点
- We set up “LEY'S shen-xiang health care center”to popularize healthy life style. “雷氏”天盾胶囊、清滋茶、炮天红养身酒、蛋白粉、“神象”野山人参粉、伟邦胶囊、西洋参等已赢得良好的市场声誉。
- Objective To explore the feasibility of responsibility model about community health care. 目的探索农村社区健康保健责任制的可行性方案。
- Any SFP must be closely integrated with a community health care program, since the SFP will identify health problems. 由于补充食品计划将需要鉴定健康问题,任何补充食品计划都必须与社区健康护理计划想结合。
- That focus also alerts us when we can't help, letting us quickly and safely refer you to the health care center that can best address your concern. 这些重点项目也提醒我们在不能提供帮助的时候,会快速、安全地将您转诊到最适宜的医疗中心。
- The dean and secretary of CPC Committee of the college is Professor Wu PeiNiu, who is also the director of SCG Education &Health Care Center. 现任党委书记、院长武佩牛教授同时担任建工(集团)教育卫生中心主任。
- Objective: to explore the intention and determinant of community health care in elderly in order to improve community services. 目的 :研究福建省老年人的社区卫生服务意愿及影响因素 ,更好地开展老年人社区卫生服务工作。
- To make further advance in family health care and to develop community health service are important and imperative for maintaining QOL of the old. 发展全科医学、开展老年社区卫生服务、提高高龄老人日常生活功能 ,是维护高龄老人的生存质量 ,实现健康老龄化的重要保证。
- The community -based health care center 社区卫生服务中心
- Under the define of scope and level of essential medical service,separate the function and re- sponsibility between medical care with community health care. 该文界定了基本医疗服务的范围与水平,明确划分了医疗服务中心和社区卫生服务中心的功能和职责,将常见病、多发病、诊断明确的慢性病等基本医疗服务的重心转移到社区卫生服务中心。
- OBJECTIVE In order to develop public health service and provide payments in community health care(CHC),a set of assessment system for CHC in city was employed. 目的通过对社区公共卫生服务全面考核评价,为政府核定补助社区公共卫生服务经费提供依据。
- This Community Health Care Program is an intensive program designed to prepare students for such positions as Long-Term Care Aide (geriatric), Home Support Healt... 这个社区卫生服务计划是密集的计划,旨在培养学生对这些职位长期护理备忘录(老人),家庭支援医护人员,驻地护理服务员,护士的援助和特殊需要助理。
- Therefore, the application of the BSC approach to a Health care center was successful and enhanced the quality of customer service and the overall performance provided by the center. 因此,运用平衡计分卡于健康服务中心绩效管理应是可行,而且有助于提升组织服务绩效。
- The purpose of the new-style rural cooperative medical system in Ningbo city is to advance the construction of "Pooling Funds for Serious Illnesses", medical treatment and rural community health care. 宁波市新型农村合作医疗制度的目标是同步推进农民大病统筹、医疗救助和农村社区卫生服务三大体系建设,最终建立与社会经济发展相适应的农民基本医疗保障制度,实现构筑城乡一体化的社会医疗保障体系。
- Community Health Service (CHS) organization is of vital in developing primary health care, and is the important role in the two-level new health service system in China during the health innovation process. 社区卫生服务(Community Health Service,CHS)是承担初级卫生保健的重要载体,建立社区卫生服务机构-综合/专科医院新型双层服务体系是目前我国卫生改革的重头戏。