- Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?
- You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. 你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。
- I appreciate his compact style of writing. 我欣赏他那简洁的文体。
- His uncle is a man of compact build. 他叔父身体结实。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。
- God, we look like sheep- we are all carrying the same folder. 天啊!我们都带着同样的文件夹,看起来一模一样。
- Compact folder 压缩文件夹
- The two states made a compact to co-operate against terrorism. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。
- The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer. 这硬纸卡被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
- Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. 松弛的不紧、不严密或不坚实的; 放松的
- A compact camera; a compact car. 不占空间的摄像机; 小型汽车
- Automatically compact folders when it will save over kb 自动压缩那些存储消息量大于kb 的文件夹
- Click the file or folder you want to rename. 单击你想改名的文件或文件夹。
- The company came up with a new, more compact computer. 公司推出了一种新的更小型的电脑。
- Share a new or existing folder on your server. 共享服务器上已有的或新的文件夹。
- The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic. 两国达成协议控制毒品走私。
- A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order. 文件夹按顺序放置文件的容器,如档案柜或文件夹
- He returned the identical stamped folder to Clyde. 他把打过印的那一份又递给克莱德。
- The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country. 英联邦同意和这个国家订约。
- Peter returned the plan and charts to their folder. 彼得把这份计划和表格放回文件夹中。