- Let's check off the names of the people to be invited. 让我们把打算邀请的人的名单复核一下。
- Please check off the parcel before we send them out. 我们发出这些包裹之前请一一核对打钩。
- Please check off the parcels before we send them out. 我们发出这些包裹之前请一一核对打钩。
- Jim's dues were checked off every week. 吉姆的工会会费每星期从工资中扣除。
- The list has yet to be checked off. 这张表还得查对。
- I'll check off all the items in the inventory. 我将核查清单上的各个项目。
- The workers in this motor works check off at 6 o'clock. 这家汽车制造厂的工人6点钟下班。
- Please check off those parcels before they are despatched. 那些包裹发出之前请一一核对打钩。
- Please check off these parcels before they are despatched. 在发送这些包裹前请打上查讫记号。
- He kept a calendar, and every morning he check off a day. 他有一本日历,每天早晨撕下一页。
- A light mark used to check off or call attention to an item. 记号用于勾掉一项或引起对一项的注意的很轻的标记
- I usually check off at six and rush to the bus station with Sam. 我通常六点下班,然后和山姆一起冲向公交车站。
- We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off list price for this quantity. 订购如此数量,以现金交付,最大折扣若干,敬请惠函告知。
- Jim's dues were checked off every month. 吉姆的工会会费每月从工资中扣除。
- All international orders must be prepaid and prepayment earns a 10% discount off list prices of the book. 所有国际性的购书都必须给予标价款10%25的优惠?
- I am checking off the minutes until I see you. 我期盼着再次和你见面。
- Am checking off the minutes until I see you. 咱们届时再会。
- When a task is completed, simply check off the taskin the "done" column. 当完成一项任务,简单地在"做完"列终止该任务即可。
- Before class the teacher checked off each student as he came in. 上课前,教师要查看一下每个学生。
- The items in your bag dont match up with the items you checked off on your laundry list. 洗衣袋里的衣物与洗衣单上登记的不符。