- Using the theory of ANP, a new multi-attribute comprehensive measurement system which considering the nonlinear combination of indices is established. 利用网络分析理论ANP,考虑指标之间的相互影响与制约关系,建立了指标非线性组合关系的多指标综合评价决策模型与算法。
- Fourth,we adopted comprehensive measures to maintain law and order. 四是加强社会治安综合治理。
- Study on comprehensive measures for controlling Doperda populnea L. 青杨天牛综合防治方法。
- Fourth, we adopted comprehensive measures to maintain law and order. 四是加强社会治安综合治理。
- "With our membership, the LTE/SAE Trial Initiative we plan to use our comprehensive measurement expertise to significantly contribute to the full delivery of LTE to the marketplace. 在我们的领导下,LTE/SAE测试联盟计划利用我们完整的测试技术为LTE市场做出最大化贡献。”
- Fresh progress has been made in keeping public order through comprehensive measures. 社会治安综合治理取得新成效。
- We have already worked out a package of comprehensive measures to improve the overcrowding situation. 我们已制定一套全面的改善方案。
- Discuss the Comprehensive Measure on Overcoming the Inferiority of Cold Season Lawn Grass. 论克服冷季型草坪草劣势的综合措施。
- The comprehensive measures should be taken for the control of human intestinal helminth infection. 十二指肠钩虫在该地钩虫流行中占了重要地位。
- Comprehensive measures were taken on 5 PRV infected farms with satisfactory results achieved. 我们对5个PRV污染的猪场采取了综合控制措施,取得了较好的效果。
- While in high-epidemic area,comprehensive measures based on soaking mosquito nets by deltamethrin were used. 同期在疟疾高发区采取以溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制蚊媒为主的综合措施对比其效果。
- comprehensive measurement and evaluation 综合测评
- We will also adopt comprehensive measures to ensure that the smart identity cards are secure and to address privacy and personal data protection. 我们会采取全面措施以确保智能式身分证安全可靠,并致力解决保障个人私隐和资料的问题。
- The program will concentrate on the control of acid rain pollution, air pollution and water pollution and take comprehensive measurements. 这个方案将集中力量控制酸雨污染、空气污染、水污染,并采取综合处理措施。
- radio comprehensive measurement instrument 无线电综合测试仪
- Sedan piston final comprehensive measuring machine is an instrument for automatic measuring of comprehensive parameters of sedan piston. 汽车活塞最终综合测试仪是对汽车发动机活塞的综合参数进行自动检测的仪器。
- To take comprehensive measures to improve social security, it is imperative to mobilize and rely on the broad masses of ordinary people. 四、各部门、各单位必须建立综合治理目标管理责任制,做到各尽其职、各负其责、密切配合、互相协调。
- Comprehensive measures will be taken to provide a clean electromagnetic environment so as to ensure the smooth operation of all radio communication devices. 综合治理,净化空中电磁环境,确保各类无线电通信设备的可靠运转和使用。
- The reporter has made a comprehensive report. 记者已做了全面的报道。
- Eletromyography biofeedback training(EMGBFT)is one of the comprehensive measures that treat upper limbs paralysis,and it is also one of the centre issue that study in the world. 肌电生物反馈法是上肢瘫痪的综合治疗措施之一,也是目前国内外研究的热点之一。