- As the important Confucian classic recording the teaching of Confucius, The Analects is one of the most influential books in the world history. 《论语》是记载孔子思想的重要儒家经典,是世界上最具影响力的经典书籍之一。
- Many children read the Confucian classics. 现在有不少小孩儿读经书。
- Since the appearance of Zuozhuan in the last years of the Spring and Autumn Period, it has become an important Confucian classic and exerted a far-reaching impact on later age. 《左传》自春秋末年问世后,便成为儒家的一部重要典籍,对后世产生了深远的影响。
- Confucian Classic and practical use 经世致用
- Another famous Ch'ing scholar, Ku Ch'ienii, was known for his habit of " reading Confucian classics naked" in summer. 有一个清代的著名学者顾千里据说在夏天有“裸体读经”的习惯。
- He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis. 对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。
- The scientific cognition on Confucian classics means destroying the taxonomy of the four-branch. 对经部书籍的科学认识,意味着对四部分类法的真正破坏。
- In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind. 在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。
- WU Cheng was a famous neo-Confucianist, expert in the Confucian Classics Studies, and Yi-ologist of the Yuan Dynasty. 摘要吴澄是光显于元代的著名理学家、经学家和易学家。
- From the Han-Confucians to Tang-Confucians, the philological exegesis changed gradually to the philosophical study on the Confucian classics. 从汉儒到唐儒,对儒家经典的研究逐步从章句训话向义理阐释转化。
- Since the imperial edicts were generally drafted out by the confucianized scholars, they had the same thinking mode and argument style with the Confucianist classic. 西汉诏书大多由儒学化的学士撰草,在行书过程中,有着与儒家经典相同的思维方式和论述模式。
- Academic circles to the study of Confucian classics research of the Wei Jin dynasty is a meagre lot, System research more be nearly blank space. 然而学术界对于魏晋经学的研究至今寥寥无几,经学史的系统研究更是几乎空白。
- Confucian classical works are proved can not be viewed as criterion from the textual research, analyzing logically and argumentation by Wang Cong. 从考据、逻辑、义理三方面论证了经书不能为评价作品的准绳。
- Shaking off philistine scholasticism in the study of Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty, they entered the mysterious realm of abstract reasoning. 著名的士族大家成为当时民族文化的代表和承担者、保卫者,如清河的崔氏、琅的王氏、陈郡的谢氏、兰陵的萧氏、琅的颜氏等。
- Under the driving of polities and power, Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty gradually releases the academic energy influenced on politics. 在政治和权力的驱动下,汉代经学逐渐释放出影响政治的学术能量。
- The main thought current was to obey confucian classics , devaluate nopracticality knowledge ,and lay claim to practice in Tianqi and Chongzhendynasty. 天启、崇祯年间主流思潮是尊遗经,贬俗学,经世致用,钱谦益走在了这股思潮的最前面。
- Interest in classic music has revived recently. 近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。
- That old man tells him benignly: “The double turtle carries on the back the Confucian classics, is leads the field meaning. 那老者和颜悦色地告诉他:“双龟驮经书,乃独占鳌头之意。”
- He fall into rapture over classic music. 他对古典音乐喜爱若狂。
- This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics, establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state, and so on. 所谓儒学化改造,大致包括对儒家经典的吸收、置立五经博士、重建国家祀典等方面。