- Confucian ethic doctrine is its ideaistic source. 儒家礼教是无讼的思想渊源。
- Yu is a practicer of Confucian ethic, a modern real Confucian instead of the modern real Confucian in general. 余先生是多元文化论者,他对中国文化的认识注意到文化的整体性和历史性。
- Confucian kindheartedness is soul of Confucian ethic thought. We must affirm and develop the essence after discarding the Feudalism dross. 儒家仁爱思想是儒家伦理思想之灵魂,我们在剔除其封建糟粕的同时,应充分肯定并弘扬其思想精华。
- The Confucian ethic gives prominence to attention to humans per se and stresses humanism, outlook on righteousness and benefit, universal harmony and sense of responsibility. 儒家伦理突出了对人自身的关注及对人类的终极关怀,更强调人本主义、义利观、普遍和谐、责任意识。
- The paper points out two fundamental respects comprised in Confucian ethic: "listening to both sides and choosing the middle course" and "striving for harmony but not sameness". “和”与“同”、“中”具有深刻哲理关系。儒家伦理意蕴包含“执两用中”、“和而不同”两个基本方面。
- These numbers are likely to be even more impressive for second generation Asian-Americans, though some studies indicate that the Confucian ethic of "success through effort" does dim a bit with time in America. 对第二代亚裔美国人来说,人均收入数字可能更为可观。不过某些研究表明:随着在美时间的推移,“勤必有成”这类儒家的道德观念确实有些淡漠。
- Under this social change, there comes forth a new historical veer in contemplating fortune making, which brings about a great conflict between the traditional Confucian ethic and the current spirit of the businessmen. 在这种社会变动的背景下 ,关于致富的思考也出现了新的历史转向 ,传统的儒家伦理与商人精神之间产生了很大的冲突。
- Based on Confucian ethic,combining other cultures,we should rebuild the relations between Confucian ethic and contemporary Chinese daily life so as to generate a completely new daily-life ethic in Ch. 重建儒家伦理与当代中国日常生活的联系,使儒学的人伦精神作为基础的一元,与其他文化共同整合出既有时代性和世界性,更具有民族性的当代中国日常生活伦理。
- Social edification in the earlier stage of Qing Dynasty centres on Confucian ethic and is a entity of Confucianism, Buddha, Dao. 清前期的社会教化是以儒家伦理为核心的儒、佛、道并存的教化体系。
- The Confucian ethics of virtue has its merit and defect during being practiced in history. 五伦在历史的发展中有优点亦有缺失,作者将在文中逐一说明。
- All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics. 历代封建统治阶级都力图用礼教把妇女禁锢起来。
- Confucian Ethic and Modern Corporate Finance 儒家伦理与现代企业理财
- Aesthetic Foundation of Confucian Ethics: A Viewpoint from "Is the Ritual derivative? 从"礼后乎"看儒家伦理的美学基础?
- From the Edo Era, the reconstruction of Confucian ethics provided Japanese society with indigenous capitalist value system. 江户时代以降,日本在儒教社会中通过儒教伦理的重建,形成了内生性的资本主义价值体系。
- While these problems are difficult to solve, Confucian ethics helps us formulate a resolution. 要解决上述问题比较困难,而我们可以从孔子的思想中寻求答案。
- Brought up with the Confucian ethics, they would insist on keeping their word of honour even if that would mean losses to themselves. 对孔孟思想稍有认识的人宁可天下人负己,绝不负天下人。
- To answer this question, it's well needed to procee with Confucian ethics system. 这无疑首先依赖于儒学自身的语境状况。
- They reflect the patriarchal system and the Confucian ethics theory under China"s agro-farming culture. 它体现着中国农耕文化下的宗法制度和儒家伦理道德学说。
- Brought up with the Confucian ethics,they would insist on keeping their word of honour even if that would mean losses to themselves. 对孔孟思想稍有认识的人宁可天下人负己,绝不负天下人。
- In light of the present problems in civil morality construction, the paper discusses the modern value in the Confucian ethics in an innovative spirit. 针对目前我国公民道德建设方面存在的问题 ,本文试图从继承的角度 ,本着创新的精神 ,探讨传统儒学伦理中具有现代价值的因素 ,以期对今天的公民道德建设提供一些可供借鉴的思想和方法。