- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- The great Confucian scholar Ji Xiaolan (1724-1805) recorded this story. 大儒士纪晓岚(1724-1805)曾经记录过这样的故事。
- During the Chin dynasty about 1,600 years ago, there was a kindhearted Confucian scholar named Mao Bao. 距今1600多年前的晋代,有个心地善良的儒生叫毛宝。
- Chu Shu-ch'ung, a native of Kiang-su, was a Confucian scholar, who excelled in painting. 朱叔重(约西元十四世纪)也有人写作叔仲,江苏吴县人。
- Professor Yu is famous among Confucian scholars. 余教授是位儒林名士。
- Chen Baisha, a great Confucian scholar, was the only one person of Guangdong to be elevated to sainthood and thus he honored in the Confucian Temple. 摘要大儒陈白沙是从祀孔庙的岭南第一人和唯一人,陈白沙从祀孔庙的成功为其“真儒”形象的确立奠定了基础。
- Zhang 1 meter 7 heads, for person's feeling erudite Confucian scholar handsome bright, in addition is capable in argument, has the fraudulence very much. 张某1米7的个头,给人的感觉儒雅俊朗,加上能言善辩,很具有欺骗性。
- A 2006 book by Chinese Confucian scholar Yu Dan sold 10 million copies, and Bell says students are flocking to classes on the subject at Tsinghua university. 中国儒学学者于丹2006年撰写的一本书卖出了1千万册。贝尔说,清华大学的学生在争相选修这方面的课程。
- Zhan Gan-quan, also named Zhan Ruo-shui, is a famous official and great Confucian scholar in the middle of the Ming dynasty, in which another ancient Chinese thinker Wang Yang-ming lives. 湛甘泉是明代中期与王阳明同时的达官鸿儒,早年受学陈白沙,承其“自然”、“自得”之学,而有“随处体认天理”之悟,深得白沙为学旨趣,备受白沙赞赏,最终成为其衣钵传人。
- Hence, “DOMINIK” the brand concept has struck root in the hearts of the people, gentleman of the erudite Confucian scholar prevailing custom is as if one had found a treasure, praises mutually. 至此,“DOMINIK”的品牌概念已深入人心,儒雅风尚之士更是如获至宝,相互传颂!
- Mill has may “escape from prison” the brains, has the erudite Confucian scholar sense of humor, he replies regarding net friend's inquiry unflustered and many quick-witted interesting. 米勒有着可以“越狱”的头脑,更有着儒雅的幽默感,他对于网友的提问回答得从容不迫而不乏机智有趣。
- This explanation must have been made by Confucian scholars of later periods. 这些解释肯定有后世儒家附会的成分,
- There has been a Confucian scholar rank carrying forward and practicing the spirit of Confucianism in the history of Korea. 在韩国历史上一直有一支以弘扬和实践儒教精神为己任的儒林队伍。
- Korean Confucian Scholar Kang Hang in Japan 寻找儒学者姜沆的足迹
- The thoughts of using rites and music to educate people received plenty of explanation among works of later Confucian scholars. 礼乐教化思想在后世儒家学说中得到了充分的表述。
- But according to later Confucian scholars, this separation was made due to the different means by which the emperor had established their rule. 但据后世儒家考证,主要是受祭的帝王得天下的手段差异,
- A scholar at court is an ass among ape. 宫廷里的学究是在猴子群里的驴子。
- To silence criticism of imperial rule, the kings banished or put to death many dissenting Confucian scholars and confiscated and burned their books. 为了堵住反对统治的呼声,秦皇把反对孔子学术的学者流放、判处死刑、把他们的书籍烧毁。
- He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里,人们把他看作是位“秀才"。
- However, the orthodoxies of the Confucian scholars of the Song andMing Dynasties and of the modern new confucianists do not agree with this essence. 宋明儒师和现代新儒家所谓的道统并不与此契合。