- Are the Confucian teachings still relevant? 孔孟思想还有用吗?
- Her attempt at the archaeology of knowledge to retrieve the contemporary message of Confucian teaching lasted only a few months. 她企图凿开知识的封土,找回儒家思想的原意。
- In those days the ruling classes indoctrinated students with Confucian teachings and compelled the people to venerate all the trappings of Confucianism as religious dogma, and all writers used the classical language. 那时的统治阶级都拿孔夫子的道理教学生,把孔夫子的一套当作宗教教条一样强迫人民信奉,做文章的人都用文言文。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。
- The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. 佛法佛祖用来说明佛经的正文
- I am going to teach until my son can earn money. 我教书要教到我儿子能够赚钱。
- A teacher should entertain as well as teach. 教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。
- Confucianism teaches that when problems arise, we must look to our own performance and attitudes and bring charges against ourselves, instead of blaming or scapegoating others. 他要求我们在出现问题时,先审视一下自己的行为和态度,要进行自省,而不是责备他人或寻找替罪羊。
- Could you teach me how to meditate? 你能否教我如何打坐?
- That wayward child is very hard to teach. 那个任性的孩子很难教。
- It is harder to teach than (to) study. 教书比读书辛苦。
- I'll teach English to whoever wants to learn it. 谁想学英文,我就教他。
- He's teach history for many year. 他教了多年的历史。
- His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek. 他父母雇佣了一位家庭教师来教他希腊语。
- Here we are at the Confucian Temple. 现在我们来到孔庙。
- The Confucian Temple was built in his honor. 孔庙是为纪念孔子而建的。
- Due to large hall dedicated to the Buddha Sakyamuni between both sides were Taishang Senior and Confucius, is to release, Road, Confucianism taught three into one, the three churches day. 因大殿内中间供奉着佛祖释迦牟尼,两旁分别为太上老君和孔老夫子,是把释、道、儒三教合为一体,故日三教堂。
- They could recite whole pages of Confucian thought. 他们可以背诵儒家思想的整个篇章。