- Confucian philosophy reveres the teacher above all. 儒家哲学最讲究尊重师长。
- It has been the Confucian philosophy to accommodate divergent views. 正如儒家所说的“君子和而不同,小人同而不和”。
- Even prison inmates are reportedly being taught Confucian philosophy. 即使关押着的囚犯据说也在被传授儒家哲学。
- He set up a shool to study the “mind”, instructing the Confucian philosophy of daily life to people of all walks. 石田梅岩创办了“心学”讲习所,面向社会各个阶层讲授儒家的日常生活伦理;
- Last, the author further research into the variety causes why YESHI"s benthamism couldn"t triumph over Confucian Philosophy . 最后对叶适功利主义思想并没有战胜理学而成为官学的种种因素作了进一步探索。
- Visitors come here to explore the long history of China, the profundity of the Confucian philosophy, and the accessible greatness of the Sage. 人们通过参观三孔,来感悟中国历史的久远,品味儒家学说的精深博大,追思孔子这样一位亲切平凡又伟大的圣人!
- There are different topics and different methods in different periods, but the most important topics in common are the periodization of the history of Confucian philosophy. 各时期研究的问题及研究方法有明显的时代特点,其中儒家哲学史分期问题、儒家哲学能否成立及如何成立等问题,作为儒学研究的首要问题为各时期研究者所共同关注。
- It is in many occasions argued that the confucian philosophy and its impact on the Chinese culture is one of the major factors that IPRs in China are so hard to implement. 很多人认为儒家哲学及其对中国文化的影响是知识产权难以在中国得到保障的原因之一。
- The wide popularity of Confucian thought is exemplified by the proliferation of radio and television shows by academics and businessmen reinterpreting Confucian philosophy for modern life. 当今的广播和电视节目中,学者和商人们为孔子的哲学赋予了适合当代生活的新含义,这也促使了孔子思想的广泛流行。
- The Realistic Meaning of Confucian Philosophy 孔子法哲学思想的现实意义初探
- In the Confucianist philosophy system emphasizes is practices moral culture, Qi Jia, rules a nation, the even world. 儒家哲学体系里强调的是修身、齐家、治国、平天下。
- The Religions Function of Confucian Philosophy 儒家哲学的宗教功能
- "Median" also means moderate and harmonious, and becomes the core of the Confucianist philosophy theory-the main content of "middlebrow". “中和”也就是指“适中、适度与和谐”,并成为儒家人生哲学中核心理论“中庸”的主要内容。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- The three philosophy-thought foundations of ecological idea of Chinese classical garden were Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi philosophy, Zen, and Confucianism philosophy. 摘要老庄哲学、禅宗以及儒家哲学是构建中国古典园林生态观的三大哲学思想基础。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- I cannot understand his conflicting philosophy. 我不能理解他那互相矛盾的思想体系。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。