- He quoted profusely from Confucius and Mencius in his essays. 他在文章中摘引孔孟的言论很多。
- It is impossible to go into all the key thoughts of Confucius and Mencius here. 这里不能把孔子和孟子思想的所有要点,都加以叙述。
- For a long time the teachings of Confucius and Mencius held sway over Chinese society. 孔孟之道在很长一段时期内统治着中国社会。
- In Japan, Bushido has several ideological sources, such as Buddhism, Taoism and the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. 在日本 ,武士道有佛教、神道教、孔孟之道的儒家学说几个思想渊源。
- There is a basic difference between the Confucianism of Xun Zi and that of Confucius and Mencius. 摘要荀学与孔孟儒学、孔孟哲学自有根本之区别。
- Born in the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, I feel bookishness wondering in my skeleton. 生长于孔孟之乡,骨子里少不了几分书卷气。
- Daben Corporation was established in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, the home town of Confucius and Mencius, in 1993. 大本公司于1993年创建于中国孔孟之乡;山东省滕州市.
- Besides the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius, he advanced where there was injustice, there would be an outcry. 除把“道”作为选择题材的标准外,他还提出要“不平则鸣”,表达个人的思想感情。
- Finally, on the subject of uman nature, confucius and Mencius believe that it is basically good, so they propose an internal refinement. 三、在人性论方面,孔孟主张凡人皆有善端的性善论,提倡向内用功夫。
- Confucius and Mencius thought that life was precious, death both had inevitability and chance. death was a lamentable thing and also a happy thing. 在孔孟看来,生命是可贵的;死亡既具有必然性,同时又具有偶然性;死亡既是一件可悲的事情也是一件快乐的事情。
- In the days of the original land of Confucius and Mencius etiquette, enthusiasm for Chinese and foreign investors to provide affordable famous machine. 得天独到的孔孟礼仪之乡,热情为中外客商提供物美价廉的名优机床。
- But if their conscience disapproves,they will not give Confucius and Mencius the right of way. They can be neither bribed with gold nor threatened with ostracism. 苟胸中不以为然,千金不可易之,圣贤不可改之。
- Influenced by Kant, Plato and the European idealism, even Chinese doctrines of Confucius and Mencius, Thoreau starts his journey of exploring the truth of life. 受康德、柏拉图等欧洲唯心主义思想甚至中国孔孟之道的影响,梭罗开始了他探求人生真谛的旅程。
- Just as modern education in Egypt differs from the traditional Islamic education, modern education in China differs from the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. 埃及的近代教育有别于传统的伊斯兰文化教育,中国的近代教育有别于孔孟之道的强化灌输。
- Traditional Benevolence theories contains abundant social security thoughts especially represented by Confucius and Mencius we need to study and drawing lessons from. 传统仁学理论含有丰富的社会保障思想,特别是以孔丘和孟轲为代表的孔孟社会保障思想中更是具有值得研究和借鉴的思想精华。
- Second, ove and respect for people is the core of the populist ideas of both Confucius and Mencius who both beld that the people are the root of the country. 其二 ,重民思想。重民是孔孟民本思想的精魂。沈葆桢继承了孔孟重民思想。第三 ,务实思想。
- In this age when information technology is developing at breakneck speed, the economy is going global and research in life sciences has also taken off, do the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius still have a place in society? 孔子和孟子都是世界级的思想家,他们的思想进入现今资讯科技高速发展,经济走向全球化,生命工程也已起步的新世纪时代,究竟还有没有用?
- In this age when information technology is developing at breakneck speed,the economy is going global and research in life sciences has also taken off,do the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius still have a place in society? 孔子和孟子都是世界级的思想家,他们的思想进入现今资讯科技高速发展,经济走向全球化,生命工程也已起步的新世纪时代,究竟还有没有用?
- We have indeed progressed into a new era, but so long as we are still keen in our pursuit to lead a truly "human" life and live in a truly "human" society, the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius will always be relevant and useful. 如今,人类的新世纪虽然来临了,然而,人如果还要追求真正是“人”的生活、是“人”的社会的确实获致与享有,则孔、孟的思想恐怕仍无例外,还是继续有用的罢!
- Named Zou county but now Zoucheng city, in south Shandong province, with ages-old history and flourishing culture, is the born area of great ancient ideologist and educationists Confucius and Mencius, thus to have the name of Hometown Nation of Confucian. 邹城市原名邹县,位于山东省南部,历史悠久,文化灿烂,是我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家孔子、孟子的诞生地,素有“孔孟桑梓之邦”的美誉。