- Congenital webbing of neck 先天性颈蹼
- Division of congenital web of larynx 先天性喉蹼分开术
- Division of congenital web of pharynx 咽先天性蹼分开术
- He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入充满诡计和谎言的圈套。
- Who can understand the web of life? 谁能弄懂这错综复杂的人生?
- Including deep fascia of neck and musculas p... 包括颈阔肌、颈深筋膜的彻底松解是手术成功的关键。
- What Simpson told us was a web of lies. 辛普森先生我们的是一篇谎言。
- A web of palm branches formed the roof of the hut. 构成草屋顶棚的网状结构
- She entrapped herself in the web of her own lies. 她陷入了自己编造的谎话罗网。
- Of neck edge vertebral painful, what method is treated? 脖子边的脊椎痛,有什么办法治疗?
- They have set up a web of railroads. 我们建立了铁路网。
- We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. 我们陷进了错综复杂的关系网。
- He had created a spider's web of communications. 他建立了一个蜘蛛网做的交通系统。
- He is enmeshed in a web of deceit and lie. 他陷入坑拐骗的圈套。
- His major systemic findings include cleft lip and palate, polydactyly, simian crease, congenital heart disease (V.S.D.), inguinal hernia, hypotonicity of neck and low set ear. 包括兔唇、腭裂、多指、断掌,心室中隔缺损,鼠蹊部疝气,颈部肌张力异常以及低位耳。
- Everyone was involved in this web of deceit. 所有人都牵涉到这起诈骗勾当之中了。
- He found himself snared in a web of intrigue. 他发现自己中了圈套。
- Backstreet Boys II: The web of the world. 后街男孩中国官网。
- Well arched, with nape of neck widening gradually toward body. 颈部略拱,逐渐变宽,与身体结合。
- Connect with the World Wide Web of Life! 用全球网络联接世界万物!