- Construction study theory 建构主义学习理论
- The Study Theory of Constructivism holds that context, cooperation, conversation and meaning construction are important factors of learning environment. 建构主义的学习理论认为,情境、协作、会话和意义建构是学习环境中的四大要素。
- In order to study theory they must first acquire an elementary education. 为了学习理论,他们先得具备基本文化水平。
- Constructivism is rich in educational theory, among which the study theory plays a positive role in the current construction of the academic discipline and provides us with a great deal of inspiration. 建构主义的教育理论极其丰富,其中,建构主义的学习理论对当前高校的学风教育有着积极的作用和有益的启示。
- Able to perform constructability study. 3可做施工可行性分析;
- Comrade Mao Zedong has recently given us three important instructions. First,study theory and combat and prevent revisionism. 前一个时期,毛泽东同志有三条重要指示:第一,要学习理论,反修防修。
- construction principle study theory 建构主义学习理论
- Info-tech can be adopted to construct study atmo-sphere, provide varieties of ideas, launch multiple teaching activities and develop stud ent's creative thinking effectively. 利用信息技术营造学习氛围,提供多种表象材料,开展灵活多样的教学形式,可以有效地培养学生的创造性思维。
- Comrade Mao Zedong has recently given us three important instructions. First, study theory and combat and prevent revisionism. 前一个时期,毛泽东同志有三条重要指示:第一,要学习理论,反修防修;
- During my term of office I am mainly in charge of the student body's theory study work ,creating a good plateform for the students to study theory. 任职期间主要负责全系同学的理论学习工作,为全系同学的思想理论学习创造了一个良好的平台。
- The authors have beneficially explored the "Discover Study Theory" in the senior vocational pharmaceutical chemistry experiment teaching. 笔者在高职药物化学实验教学中,对应用“发现式学习理论”进行教学做了有益的探索。
- This paper studied theory,method and application of patent citation analysis. 本文研究了专利引文分析的理论、方法及应用。
- Metacognition research was enriching and has developed the psychology study theory, in the practice, it has the extremely vital significance for "teaching students how to learn" . 元认知的研究在理论上丰富和发展了心理学的学习理论,在实践上对“教会学生如何学习”有十分重要的意义。
- He goes to Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin not to seek the stand, viewpoint and method with which to solve the theoretical and tactical problems of the Chinese revolution but to study theory purely for theory's sake. 不是为了要解决中国革命的理论问题、策略问题而到马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林那里找立场,找观点,找方法,而是为了单纯地学理论而去学理论。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Based on the theories of forerunners, he extracts piths from others and forms his own characteristic “mastery study” theory, which is shown next. 在前人的基础上,他博采众家之长形成了有自己特色的“掌握学习”理论。
- This paper explores the project principles and specific connotation of the teaching mode of literature courses with the help of the basic features of structuralism and study theory. 摘要本文借助建构主义的基本特点与学习理论对文学类课程的课程教学模式的设计原则和具体内涵进行了探讨。
- Eighth, constructing study community, forming the inhabitant lifelong study system in the region. 第八,建设学习化社区,形成区域内居民终身学习体系。
- Gropius contended that the artist or architect should also be a craftsman,that he should at the same time study theories of form and design. 格罗皮乌斯主张艺术家和建筑师也应当是一个技术工人,同时也应当学习形式和设计理论。
- At Connecticut's Hartt College of Music, he earned the first degree granted there in the oud while studying theory and composition. 在康涅狄格州的西蒙音乐学院、他赢得了授予学士学位的有木霉学习理论作曲.