- Constructive Total Loss only 仅承保推定全损
- We'd like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods. 我方希望开张仅这批货物的总损失保单。
- A total loss may be either an actual total loss, or a constructive total loss. 全损可以为实际全损,或者推定全损。
- Unconformity with your instructions, we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- The rules on constructive total loss are of great importance and benefit fromthe discussion and perfection on abandonment. 推定全损是船舶保险中极具意义的一项制度,委付制度理论上的探讨和立法规定上的完善将有利于推定全损制度的实际应用。
- Unconformity with your instructions,we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- FREIGHT WAIVER In the event of total or constructive total loss no claim to be made by the Underwriters for freight whether notice of abandonment has been given or not. 运费弃权若发生全损或推定全损,无论是否给予委付通知,保险人均不对运费提出请求。
- Article249 Where the subject matter insured has become a constructive total loss and the insured demands indemnification from the insurer on the basis of a total loss, the subject matter insured shall be abandoned to the insurer. 第二百四十九条保险标的发生推定全损,被保险人要求保险人按照全部损失赔偿的,应当向保险人委付保险标的。
- Constructive Total Loss of Collided Vessel 碰撞船舶推定全损
- Insurance against total loss only(TLO) 全损险
- Effect of constructive total loss 推定全损的效果
- insurance against total loss only 只保全损险
- adjustment of constructive total loss 推定全损理算
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船只失事,一切都损失了。
- On Constructive Total Loss and Abandonment in Marine Insurance 论海上保险中的推定全损与委付制度
- However, in the event that the Vessel is determined to be an actual or constructive total loss, the Seller shall either 若本船认定为实际全损或推定全损,则卖方应当
- "a registered ship is broken up, or is an actual or constructive total loss such that it is no longer capable of being used in navigation;" 注册船舶已被摧毁、确实已完全消失、或被推定已完全消失,以致不能再用作航行;或
- We suffered total loss of hydraulic fluid. 液压油完全流失。
- "if the ship is broken up, or is an actual or constructive total loss such that it is no longer capable of being used in navigation;" 该船舶已被摧毁、确实已完全消失、或被推定已完全消失,以致不能再用作航行;或
- The plane was blown up with total loss of life. 飞机被炸,乘客全部罹难。