- Container seedling raising 容器育苗
- Container seedling for Pistacia chinensis and study on its drought resistance. 黄连木容器育苗及其抗旱性研究。
- Build wine grape seedling raising base to ensure the purity of wine grape, stabilize seedling price, cut forestation costs and increase survival rate of forestation. 建设酒葡萄育苗基地,保证了酒葡萄的纯度,稳定了苗木价格,降低了造林成本,提高了造林成活率。
- A seedling raising trial was given to Carya illinoensis,some of seeding raising techniques were summarized. 通过簿壳山核桃育苗试验 ,总结出一些簿壳山核桃育苗技术
- The Effects of Seedling Quality of Mechanical Transplanting Rice Under Different Sowing Quantities and Seedling Raising Materials. 研究了水稻机插秧不同播量及基质配比对秧苗素质的影响。
- The experiment on bud seedling transplant container seedling of Caragana opulens. 甘蒙锦鸡儿芽苗切根移栽容器育苗试验。
- In this study, Yangjing 9538 was planted in seedling raising plates with different treatments of seedbed soil fertilizing levels. 本试验以扬粳9538为供试品种, 在不同床土培肥条件下, 观测了超秧龄秧苗的生长特征。
- The best medium for growth of Pinus massoniana container seedling was the combination of 1/2 forest humus soil and 1/2 core loos. 用1/2森林腐殖土+1/2的黄心土作基质最有利于马尾松苗木生长;
- In this paper, some technologies for the establishment of cutting orchard of Taxus spp. are introduced and discussed, including seedling raising, orchard site selection, and forestation, etc. 文章从苗木培育、圃地选择、造林技术等方面介绍了红豆杉采穗圃的营建技术。
- Propose to fertilize with base fertilizer if condition permits, when Pinus elliottii are planted in dry, poor land, container seedling can be used to improve the growth rate and growth. 如果条件允许可施基肥改善土壤营养状况,在干旱贫瘠的土壤上种植湿地松时,应采用容器苗,以提高苗木成活率和生长量。
- Seedling Raising Techniques of Carya illinoensis 薄壳山核桃育苗技术
- Seedling Raising Experiment on Quercus mongolica 蒙古栎育苗试验
- Seedling Raising Technique for Pistacia vera 阿月浑子实生育苗技术
- root - controlling container seedling 控根容器苗
- Seedling Raising Techniques of Redleaf Cherry Plum 红叶李苗木培育技术
- root-controlling container seedling 控根容器苗
- Seedling raising technique of blueberry 蓝莓育苗技术
- tissue-culture container seedling 组培瓶苗
- Technique for seedling raising of Lindera communis 香叶树播种育苗技术
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。