- The optimal backoff window size and contention window size are given,and the transmission efficiency is calculated by analyzing the collision probability of contention request. 通过对竞争请求的冲突概率进行分析,推出了回退窗口和竞争窗口的最佳分配尺寸,并计算了不同业务流数量下系统可达到的最大传输效率。
- The optimal backoff window size and contention window size are given, and the transmission efficiency is calculated by analyzing the collision probability of contention request. 通过对竞争请求的冲突概率进行分析,推出了回退窗口和竞争窗口的最佳分配尺寸,并计算了不同业务流数量下系统可达到的最大传输效率。
- Withdraws the homepage content, removes the label, removes the useless link, mainly serves in natural language processing to the homepage content request application. 详细说明:提取网页内容,去掉标签,去掉无用链接,主要服务于自然语言处理中对网页内容要求的应用。
- Compared with the fixed allocation, the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the utilization efficiency of uplink bandwidths and decrease the delay brought about by contention request. 与固定分配方式相比,该分配方法可有效提高上行带宽的使用效率,并减小竞争请求引入的时延。
- You can insert files before and after the content requested by a client. 您可以在客户机所请求的内容之前或之后插入文件。
- A URL identifies only the content requested;it does not dictate where the content might be found. URL只识别被请求的内容,它不指出内容在何处被找到。
- You can insert advertisements or company branding before and after the content requested by a player. 您可以在播放机所请求的内容之前或之后插入广告或公司名称。
- A URL identifies only the content requested; it does not dictate where the content might be found. URL只识别被请求的内容,它不指出内容在何处被找到。
- You must enable the wrapper playlist in order for the playlist to stream with the content requested by the client. 必须启用包装播放列表,才能将播放列表与客户端所请求的内容一并传输。
- URL identifies only the content requested;it does not dictate where the content might be found. url只识别被请求的内容,它不指出内容在何处被找到。
- As a result,these switches have the ability to track content requests and predict heavy traffic loads before servers become overwhelmed. 因此,这些交换机具有跟踪内容请求和在服务器崩溃之前预测流量负荷之能力。
- As a result, these switches have the ability to track content requests and predict heavy traffic loads before servers become overwhelmed. 因此,这些交换机具有跟踪内容请求和在服务器崩溃之前预测流量负荷之能力。
- One week later, Priest Thaler was shocked when an eleven year boy recited all the content requested by him word to word with no mistakes at all. 一周以后,当一个11岁的男孩将牧师要求的内容一字不差地背诵出来,而且从头到尾没有一点差错时,泰勒牧师惊呆了。
- A wrapper playlist file typically contains references to short clips that you can have stream before and/or after the content requested by a client. 通常,包装播放列表文件包含对一些短片段的引用,您可以在客户机请求的内容之前和/或之后插入这些片段。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- The contention is without merit. 这一论点没有法律依据。
- It is his contention that taxes are too low. 他的论点是课税太轻。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- His contention was that world trade barriers should be lowered. 他的论点是应该减少世界贸易的障碍。
- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。