- Context Switch or Task Switch 任务切换
- This is true if there is no context switching or if the impersonation is at the server level. 没有上下文切换或在服务器级进行模拟时,将出现这种情况。
- I've seen way too much code that avoids data copies by doing something even worse, like forcing a context switch or breaking up a large I/O request. 我看到过太多的代码为了避免数据拷贝,最后的结果是比拷贝数据更糟糕,比如环境切换或者分解一个大的I/O请求。
- A rounded control switch or dial. 旋钮圆形的控制开关或圆盘
- A switch or cane made from these palms. 藤棍用这种藤茎制成的开关或拐杖
- A context switch involves saving the context of the running task and restoring the divviously-saved context of the other. 上下文切换包括保存正在运行的任务的上下文和恢复早先保存的另一个任务的上下文。
- To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task. 免除责任,义务或任务
- Number of scheduler context switches that this task has completed. 此任务完成的计划程序上下文切换数。
- In essence, the user or login account is impersonated for the duration of the session or module execution, or the context switch is explicitly reverted. 实际上,在会话或模块的执行期间模拟了用户或登录帐户,或显式恢复了上下文切换。
- The database user or SQL Server login is impersonated for the remainder of the session or module execution, or until the context switch is explicitly reverted. 在会话或模块执行的其余部分,或在显式恢复上下文切换之前,模拟数据库用户或SQL Server登录名。
- Some models are configurable for either type of output via internal dip switch or jumper. 一些MODELS可以通过内DIP开关或JUMPER进行两种形式的配置。
- A package, container, or task can write to multiple logs. 包、容器或任务都可以将信息写入多个日志中。
- To perform the obligations or demands of(an office, duty, or task). 履行义务,执行命令履行义务;执行(公务、职责或任务)的命令
- The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination. 首创精神,进取心开始并精力充沛地执行一项计划、任务的力量或能力; 进取心和决心
- The new DG636 can be used as a dual SPDT analog switch or dual 2:1 multiplexer. 新型 DG636可用作双路 SPDT 模拟开关或双路 2:1 多路复用器。
- The duration of the context switch is limited to the scope of the query being executed. 时,上下文切换的持续时间限制为执行查询的范围。
- If SESSION_USER is called after a context switch, SESSION_USER will return the user name of the impersonated context. 如果在切换上下文之后调用SESSION_USER,SESSION_USER将返回模拟上下文的用户名。
- The switch or router is more than just a gateway to translate SS7 messages for the network access switch. 此路由器或交换机不只是一个为网络接入交换机转换七号信号报文的网关。
- Specifies that the context switch cannot be reverted back to the previous context. 指定上下文切换不能恢复到以前的上下文。
- How do I format subprojects'summary tasks or task bars? 如何设置子项目中的摘要任务或任务条形图的格式?