- She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell. 有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上。
- Course Reader Article 3: Control of the Cell Cycle 课程阅读文章3:控制细胞周期
- Enemy forces are in control of the city. 敌军控制著这座城市。
- Control of the cell in the colorimetric device can improve the accuracy, sensitivity and the limit of detection. 在仪器比色池中采用恒温的方式不仅可以提高分析方法的灵敏度和准确度,还可以提高仪器的最低检出限。
- After a long struggle, she gained control of the business. 她经过长期的努力,在业务上已能应付自如。
- The two of them are locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- The two of them is locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- He sat at the controls of the aircraft. 他坐在飞机的操纵装置前。
- The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny. 船员夺船未遂,均以叛乱罪被枪决。
- They were in complete control of the situation. 他们完全控制了局势。
- Control of the Cell Cycle 细胞周期调控
- He has now taken effective control of the country. 他目前已有效地控制了这个国家。
- The police retained control of the situation. 警方仍控制这局势。
- Who's in control of the project? 谁是这个项目的负责人?
- Fire fighting control of the whole company. 负责全公司消防安全管理工作。
- The research of the transcriptional control of VDR by cyclinD3 Cell cycle is precisely regulated by cyclins and their partner, cyclin-dependent kinase(CDK). 第一章 CyclinD3对于VDR的转录活性调控的研究 细胞周期是被cyclins和相应的CDK精确调控的。
- Browse the tree control of the product categories. 浏览产品类别的树控件。
- A military junta took control of the country. 政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。
- The pilot lost control of the plane. 飞行员失去了对飞机的控制.
- He was forced to relinquish control of the company. 他被迫放弃对公司的控制权。