- Conventional Contingency Plan 常规应急计划
- Each state must also provide a contingency plan. 每个州还必须准备一个应急计划。
- A contingency plan was hastily drawn up. 应急计划很快定出。
- It would be sensible to have a contingency plan. 制定一份应急计划是明智的。
- It's a contingency plan for a hypothetical worst-case scenario. 只是假设出现最糟糕的情况时才用的应急方案。
- Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?
- What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather? 在遇到恶劣天气的时候,CFA有什么应变计划?
- Do you have any contingency plans? 你有防范措施吗?
- We should plan a feasible contingency plan in order to solve the energy crisis. 为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应急预案。
- The Pollution Control Unit of the Marine Department formulates the government's Oil Pollution Contingency Plan and cleans up oil spills. 海事处污染控制小组负责制订政府的油污紧急应变计划,并负责清理海面油污。
- It is necessary to have contingency plans for software. 有必要对软件准备应急方案。
- According to the weather, time to start contingency plans. 根据天气变化情况,适时启动应急预案。
- Establish/ improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents. (六)立、全职业病危害事故应急救援预案。
- We should draw up a realistic contingency plan for meeting another energy crisis. 为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应变计划。
- It has established a contingency plan and is provided with necessary contingency rescue equipment. 六)订有应急处置方案并配备必要的应急援救设备。
- We should draw up a realistic contingency plan for meeting another engery crisis. 为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应急预案。
- You can specify a trigger that identifies when the risk has occurred, and a contingency plan to handle the risk if it does occur. 还可以指定用来标识风险发生时间的触发器,以及风险发生时用于处理风险的应急计划。
- To the blindest of optimists, even contingency planning looks like negativity. 对于极度盲目乐观的人来说,即使是偶尔进行规划看上去也象是消极的举动。
- With the half-hour passed, Drazen has Gaines get rid of Teri and Kim. His contingency plan does not involve them. Gaines orders Eli to kill the women. 限定的半个小时过去了,德拉赞叫盖恩斯解决掉泰瑞和金姆。他的后备计划不包括她们在内。盖恩斯命令伊菜去杀了她们。
- If Gaines does not succeed, Drazen will enact a contingency plan to complete the assassination against Palmer and kill Jack. 如果盖恩斯不能成事,德拉赞会使用备用计划来完成针对帕默的刺杀并且干掉杰克。