- Conviction By Civil Court 民事法庭判决
- Ordinary crimes were redressed by civil claim. 普通民事犯罪可通过民事请求而得到补偿。
- The country was rent in two by civil war. 国家因内战一分为二。
- Civil court proceedings are notoriously slow. 民事诉讼程序的耗时长是无人不知的。
- The city was desolated by civil strife. 这座城市因内乱而荒凉。
- A country rent in two by civil war. 一个被内战分裂为二的国家。
- Yugoslavia is torn apart by civil war. 南斯拉夫被内战弄得 四分五裂.
- The parties were at suit in the civil court of justice. 当事各方已向民事法院进行诉讼。
- The country was sundered by civil war into two embattled states. 国家被内战分裂为两个严阵以待的政府。
- OTB may be sued in Civil Court, but not in Small Claims. 可于民事法院控告OTB,但并非在小额索偿法庭。
- He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane. 他相信有很多被告声称患有精神病以脱罪。
- The country is becoming increasingly fragmented by civil war. 这个国家正因内战而日趋分裂。
- The provisions do not apply to mail transit by civil aircraft. 本章不适用于使用民用航空器办理的邮件运输。
- She took the family to civil court, and they offered her a $625 payment. 她对这个施虐家庭提出民事诉讼,于是他们赔偿给她625美元。
- Thousands of people have been displaced by civil war. 内战使数以千计的人颠沛流离。
- His wanderings were partly prompted by civil and ecclesiastical disturbances. 他生活漂泊不定,部分是因为国内和教会的混乱。
- We considered not publishing any names during civil court cases of this type and at first, this seemed equitable. 我们考虑在此类案件的审判过程中不刊登任何姓名,一开始这似乎是公平的。
- As a result of the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigned the presidency in the face of likely impeachment by the United States House of representatives and conviction by the senate. 水门事件的发生使尼克松可能要面对众议院的弹劾和参议院的指控,被迫之下他辞去了总统的职位。
- They help laborers sue in civil court for wages owed, and have helped press criminal charges in some cases. 他们帮助劳工在民事法庭控告欠资,同时在某些案例里提出刑事告诉。
- Everything gained for us by civilization will crumple. 文明给予我们的一切会碎成粉末。