- Cook Islands Reed Warblern. 库岛苇莺
- Henderson Island Reed Warblern. 亨岛苇莺
- These six are Cook Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. 不要在未获授权的情况下发表!
- The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway. 库克群岛是南太平洋充满热带风情与世隔绝的典范。
- One of either Paddyfield Warbler A. agricola or Manchurian Reed Warbler A. tangorum. 稻田苇莺或远东苇莺其中一种。
- Niue and the Cook Islands are self-governing states in free association with New Zealand. 纽埃岛和库克群岛是与新西兰自由联盟的两个自治州。
- Its nearest neighbours are the Cook Islands, to the west, and the Line Islands (part of Kiribati),to the northwest. 它由120个群岛组成,包括社会群岛、土阿莫土群岛和马克萨斯群岛等。
- The picture shows Chinese Ambassador to Cook Islands speaking at the handover ceremony. 图为库总理和中国大使出席交接仪式。
- Rarotonga,Cook Islands,2001,Off shore financial center issues,Forum Economic Ministers Meeting. 刘振芳.;离岸金融市场[M]
- The entire issued share capital of Starlite Printers (Cook Islands) Limited is beneficially owned and controlled by Mr.Lam Kwong Yu and Ms. Yeung Chui. StarlitePrinters(CookIslands)limited之全部已发行股本由林光如先生及杨翠女士实益拥有及控制。
- If you travel to Cook Islands with a device that does not accept 240 Volts at 50 Hertz, you will need a voltage converter. 如果您到美属萨摩亚旅游带不能用240伏特、在50赫兹的器,比需要个电压converter。
- With or without the presence of the mei-yu front, the eclipse path is embedded in a humid and unstable airmass from India to the Cook Islands. 无论梅雨锋是否出现,日食路径上从印度到库克群岛都被潮湿的不稳定气团笼罩。
- With their blue lagoons, white sand beaches and palm trees, the Cook Islands present, at first glance, a vision of paradise. 蔚蓝的潟湖、白色的沙滩和迎风摇曳的棕榈树,乍看之下库克群岛呈现出天堂般的美景。
- As a Rotary leader, he has conducted training seminars in New Zealand, as well as Cook Islands, Fiji, and Western Samoa. 身为扶轮领导人,他曾在纽西兰、库克群岛、斐济及西萨摩亚多次主办各种训练会议。
- The Cook Islands' beauty and its laid-back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner. 库克群岛浑然天成的美景与悠閒的生活步调,确保了观光业是最重要的业主同时也是最大的赢家。
- Apart from Tuvalu, Samoa and Tonga have been independent, the Cook Islands and Niue internal self-government, I belong to the United States, Britain, France and other countries. 除图瓦卢、西萨摩亚和汤加已独立,库克群岛和纽埃岛内部自治外,余分属美、英、法等国。
- Apart from and have been independent, the Cook Islands and Niue internal self-government, I belong to the United States, Britain, France and other countries. 除图瓦卢、西萨摩亚和汤加已独立,库克群岛和纽埃岛内部自治外,余分属美、英、法等国。
- MORE than 100 Australians and New Zealanders of Cook Island descent are stranded on the remote Pacific atoll of Pukapuka in the northern Cook Islands. 100多名澳大利亚人和新西兰籍的库克群岛后裔被困北库克群岛一个偏远的太平洋环礁,名为普卡普卡岛。
- Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。
- Religion: The principal religion is Christianity, with about 70% of the population adhering to the Cook Islands Congregational Christian Church, and Roman Catholic. 宗教:主要信基督教,70%25的人属于库克群岛公理会基督教会以及天主教。