- V: Cooperation Mode: Joing venture and BOT. 五、合作方式:合作、BOT。
- Strategic Union is cooperation mode HL wanted. "战略联盟"是海林的合作方式!
- V: Cooperation Mode: Joint venture, cooperation or BOT. 五、合作方式:合资、合作或BOT。
- How to find the best cooperation mode and field have it’s signifier meaning. 因此无论是广西和整个东盟还是自由贸易区内的各个国家间都存在着较强的互补性。
- Cooperation Mode: Joint venture, cooperation and sole proprietorship etc. 合作方式:合资、合作、独资等。
- Cooperation mode: Joint venture (Bojing Company will invest by land, factory building, parts of equipments and accessory equipments. 合作方式:山东博精化工机械有限公司以土地、厂房、部分设备及水电配套设施作价出资,外方以资金出资,合资建设。
- School-enterprise cooperation mode is expected a successful way to the high vocational education and more and more high vocational colleges are lapping up to it now. 校企合作是我国高等职业技术教育的必经之路、成功之路,许多高职院校都正在积极探索与实践以就业为导向的人才培养模式。
- Tourism alliance is a cooperation mode prevails for years, without actually associated in capitals it plays a scale effect in cost control but short in integration or expansion. 旅游联合体的概念早些年前即已流行,这种没有企业实际资本关联的合作适宜于发挥规模效应,降低旅游企业采购成本,缺陷是无法催化企业间的融合兼并和发展壮大。
- Under the guidance of competence authorities, China United CBM Corp. has extablished aninternational cooperation mode which in based upon productsplitting contract s... 目前煤层气开发对外合作事业正蓬勃开展,其中山西河东煤层气区有着良好的合作开发前景,将成为我国主要的煤层气开发基地之一。
- V: Cooperation Mode: BOT. 五、合作方式:BOT。
- Cooperative Mode Strategic cooperation in the areas of cartoon%26animation images promotions, copyrights management, design. Development and manufacture of derivative products. 合作方式战略合作:泛动漫形象的推广、版权管理以及衍生产品的设计、开发、生产。
- In OGR Cooperative mode, you and your team-mates face off against hostile soldiers in enemy territory. 在原创模式中,你和你的队友们将处于敌方的阵地内,你的任务是到达撤离点。
- And any possibility of a cooperative mode that lets you and a buddy bulldoze your way across Europe? 以及有没有可能出现协作模式,使得你可以和一个伙伴联手在欧洲战场上杀出一条血路?
- Since StarCraft1 majorly takes one on one mode in the competetions in Korea, the DOTA pop in WAR3 has confirmed the charm of this cooperative mode. 因此尽管星际一在韩国主要还是采取单人对战模式,但是魔兽3中DOTA的风行已经很明显的说明了这种合作模式的魅力。
- They urged on us the need for cooperation. 他们向我们强调合作的必要性。
- Cooperation mode: joint venture or asset vend 合资合作或资产出售
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Innovate cooperation modes. 创新合作方式。
- Seeing from the trend of social development,the relationship between State and Society will be changed,that is,from the former national dominative mode to social cooperative mode. 从我国的长期历史发展趋势来看,在国家与社会的关系上,将从国家主导型向国家与社会合作型转变。
- I need your cooperation in this subject. 在这个项目上我需要你的合作。