- Copies From Original Message 原电复份
- Unusial beakhead. I remind you, that it is a copy from original model, made by shipwright in 1682. 独特的冲角。我提醒你,这是原始模型的复制,1682年造船者制作的。
- The letters, copied from originals, contain uncorrected grammar and spelling and carefully printed words. 展出的信件是原件的复印本,看得出孩子们工整的字迹,还有拼错的字和不大标准的文法。
- The picture was copied from an original. 这幅画是临摹的。
- Will you please print off five copies from this negative? 你用这张底片洗5张照片好吗?
- Indent~~Indents the original message text. 缩进格式~~缩进原始邮件的内容。
- Original Message: Are all men lecherous? 源贴:男人是不是都好色啊?
- He traced a copy from the original. 他从原图素描了一份复本。
- Something derived or copied from an original. 仿造物,抄袭品由原作起源或照抄原作的东西
- A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition. 一种认为所有的知识都来自于最初的神的启示并由口传方式传播的体系
- Duplicate data or information copied from one medium to another. 从一种介质向另一种介质拷贝的复制数据或信息。
- Once the messaging system delivers copies of the message to all of the subscribers, it discards the original message. 一旦消息传递系统将消息的复本交付给了所有订户,就会将原始消息丢弃。
- That examination was a mockery, they all copied from the books. 那次考试完全是骗人的鬼把戏,他们都抄书。
- The payload, thus extracted from the original message, may not be inserted faithfully into a different context. 这样,从原始消息中提取的数字签名就不能如实地插入不同的上下文。
- This distinguishes the text that you type from the text in the original message. 这会将您键入的文本与邮件原件中的文本区分开来。
- See Image) The box labeled (1) is the original message (in English) from the POT file. 看图像)标为(1)的框是来自POT文具的原始内容(英语写的)。
- It was copied from the first generation tape. 这是按原版磁带复制过来的。
- B So, where are you from originally? 那么,你最初是哪里人?
- A So, where are you from originally. 那么,你原来是哪里人?
- A Where are you from originally. 你的原籍是哪里呢?