- Coptic Orthodox Church 科普特正教会
- A diocese of an Eastern Orthodox Church. 东正教主管教区
- A member of an Eastern Orthodox church. 东正教教堂的一员
- What is the official name of the orthodox church? 正教的正式名称为何?
- He is a member of Orthodox Church. 他是正统教派中的一员。
- What are the sources of the orthodox church? 正教的根源为何?
- The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church. 东正教堂的信仰和实践
- Can there be a Russia without a vibrant Orthodox Church? 如果没有一个充满活力的东正教,那么会有俄罗斯吗?
- Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it. 东正教的东正教的或其内部宗教仪式的
- A national hero, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. 他被尊为民族英雄,还被俄罗斯东正教会封为圣人。
- A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch. 督主教东正教中职务低于宗主教的主教
- Everywhere people carry the prayer beads of the Greek Orthodox Church. 人们不管上哪儿都会佩带希腊东正教的念珠。
- And a new patriarch has taken charge of the Russian Orthodox Church. 一辆运载燃料的卡车在肯尼亚发生爆炸,一百多人丧生。
- Religion: Most Christians adhere to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, while there is a substantial minority of Muslims. 宗教:大部分基督教徒信奉保加利亚的东正教,少数人信奉伊斯兰教。
- Of a Uniat church that maintains the worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it. 希腊东正教的保持了东正教堂或其内部宗教仪式风格的希腊东正教的
- A sacramental anointing, especially upon confirmation into the Eastern Orthodox Church. 抹圣油礼在圣礼上涂油,尤其是东正教的坚信礼上
- The Christian feast commemorating this event,observed on August6 and,in the Eastern Orthodox Church,on August19. 耶稣变容节,纪念这个事件的基督教节日,在八月六日举行,对于东正教会,该节目在八月十九日。
- T-shirts and calendars with pictures of Mladic are sold at flea markets, but also at shops run by the influential Serbian Orthodox Church. 印有穆拉迪契肖像的T恤或是月历不但可以在跳蚤市场上买到,就连在有相当影响力的塞尔维亚东正教教会所经营的商店里也有出售。
- On Friday, a bomb explosion caused minor damage outside a Greek Orthodox church in the Gaza Strip. 周五,在希腊东正教教堂炸弹爆炸导致了较小的毁坏。
- The Russian Orthodox Church influenced the development of cities, private and monastery gardens in 11-17 centuries. 11-17世纪俄罗斯东正教影响了城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭园的发展。