- Corispermum dutreuiliin. 粗喙虫实
- It indicates that sandy plants are more abundant in steppe region.Leguminosae, Compositae, Chenopodiaceae and Gramineae are dominant families, Artermisia L., Corispermum L. 科属组成上,是以豆科、菊科、藜科、禾本科为主,蒿属、虫实属、棘豆属、黄芪属为含沙生种类较多的属。
- The niche breadths of Caragana microphylla and Corispermum candelabrum were the biggist all the same, while others were narrower; 狗尾草和烛台虫实在整个演替过程中生态位宽度值都较大,大多数物种的生态幅度较窄;
- Corispermumn. 虫实属
- Corispermum confertumn. 密穗虫实
- Corispermum falcatumn. 镰叶虫实
- Corispermum huanghoensen. 黄河虫实
- Corispermum lepidocarpumn. 鳞果虫实
- Corispermum macrocarpumn. 大果虫实
- Corispermum praecoxn. 早熟虫实
- Corispermum retortumn. 扭果虫实
- Corispermum stenolepisn. 细苞虫实
- Corispermum candelabrumn. 烛台虫实
- Corispermum chinganicumn. 兴安虫实
- Corispermum declinatumn. 蝇虫实
- Corispermum dilutumn. 辽西虫实
- Corispermum elongatumn. 长穗虫实
- Corispermum heptapotamicumn. 中亚虫实
- Corispermum lehmannianumn. 倒披针叶虫实
- Corispermum lhasaensen. 拉萨虫实