- By North Carolina Design, GCA, SCA and hereditary capacities of ear length, fruit length, row number per ear, grain number per row, weight per 100 grain and yield of 15 corn inbred lines under middle water stress were analyzed. 按NCII设计分析了15个玉米自交系与抗旱性有关的穗长、结实长、穗行数、行粒数、百粒重和单株产量等产量性状在中等水分胁迫下的GCA、SCA和遗传力。
- Studies on Reform of Corn Inbred Line by EMS 利用EMS化学诱变改造玉米自交系的研究
- Analysis and Evaluation on the Combining Ability of the Nine Corn Inbred Lines 九个豫育玉米自交系配合力分析及评价
- Heredity comparison on the selection corn inbred lines in early generation and high generation 玉米自交系早代与高代选留系的遗传比较
- Analysis on Combining Ability and Genetic Parameter of Main Characters of Black Waxy Corn Inbred Lines 黑糯玉米自交系主要性状配合力和遗传参数分析
- Genetic Improvement of Plant Types and Yield Characteristics in Corn Inbred Lines 玉米自交系株形和产量性状的遗传改良效果
- High oil corn inbred lines 高油玉米自交系
- Corn inbred lines 玉米自交系
- Corn inbred line 玉米自交系
- Determination of the relative combining ability of corn (Zea mays L.) inbred lines is an important feature of applied corn breeding program. 摘要在玉米育种过程中,自交系组合力的相对大小之检测为一重要工作。
- Researchers soon recognized that they could crossbreed four inbred lines of corn.The result is stronger than corn crossbred only once. 研究员又将四种不同系别的玉米经过两次杂交,得出了比一次杂交更强大的玉米品种。
- Developing inbred lines by selection from the progenies of waxy corn hybrid was secondary method, which was likely to become the primary one. 利用糯玉米杂交种选育二环系已成为我国糯玉米育种的次要方法,但有可能成为主要方法。
- Study on introducing soybean DNA directly into inbred line maize. 大豆DNA直接导入玉米自交系的研究。
- The genetic relationship of flint corns dent corn and popcorn inbred lines were analyzed by simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. 摘要利用SSR标记研究了硬粒型、马齿型玉米与爆裂玉米自交系的亲缘关系。
- Inbred lines K12, S37, 8 93 and Dan340 were good combiners and are involved to produce high yielding hybrids. K12、S37、8 93和丹340的产量一般配合力高 ,参与组配的强优势组合较多。
- Splitplot design with four replications was used for this study with inbred lines as main plotand testers as subplot.2. 两者属于异类型时,表现杂种优势较大;中间类型的测验种由于兼具马齿和硬粒的遗传基础,所测得自交系配合力的结果较为可靠。
- Seven elite inbred lines had been screened out which could improve the yield of biology, stover and seed. 试验筛选出7份可同时提高青贮生物产量、秸杆产量及籽粒产量的材料。
- The results are as follows:(1)The yield GCA of inbred lines 87-land 87-3 rank medium among the 16 inbred lines. 结果表明:(1)在参试的16个自交系中,87-1和87-3两自交系产量的GCA效应处于中等水平;
- Large difference exists among maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines in P uptake and utilization efficiency. 玉米自交系在磷的吸收利用方面存在着基因型差异。
- The photoperiod sensitivity of maize inbred lines and traits were compared according to RD%. 根据玉米光周期敏感性状在长短日照下的相对差值(RD%25)比较了这些性状的敏感性程度,并以此作为指标对自交系的光周期敏感性进行分析。