- Cortex Ilecis Rotundae 救必应
- Having a cortex or a similar specialized outer layer. 有皮的有皮的或具有相似的专门发育的外部覆盖的
- The Capitol at Washington has a large rotunda. 华盛顿的国会大厦有一圆形大厅。
- He is lying in state at the Capitol Rotunda. 他的遗体被庄严地安放在国会大厅。
- Enter the rotunda and then get on your first right. 含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。包括城市/旅游税。
- Whether auditory cortex process the visual signal? 听觉皮层参与与否之争?
- The somatosensory areaof the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层的体觉区域。
- The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层形成大脑皮层智力的外表
- The vast rotunda space can hold eight million books. 巨大的圆形大厅可容纳800万册藏书。
- A bluish-white cartilagenous cap overlies the bony cortex. 淡蓝色的软骨帽覆盖于骨皮质上。
- I was born in the Rotunda Hospital, on June 5th, 1932. 我于1932年6月5日出生在卢坦达医院。
- The inner layer of the cortex differentiates into the endodermis. 皮层的内层分化为内皮层。
- This wall, beside that rotunda, was Milton viewed through Berquin. 圆亭背后的这道墙,令人想象出现在贝尔坎背后的密尔顿。
- The ovarian follicles are embedded in the stroma of the cortex. 卵巢皮质的基质中有许多卵泡。
- I followed the crowd into the rotunda of the church. 我跟着人群进入教堂的圆形大厅。
- Of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex. 皮的皮的,与皮有关的,从皮取来的或组成皮的
- As you enter the location of Vila you will encounter a rotunda. 一间客房的最高容量是1张额外的床/幼儿床。定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。
- Stimulating or otherwise acting on the adrenal cortex. 促肾上腺皮质的刺激或作用于肾上腺皮质的
- Of,relating to,associated with,or depending on the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮质的大脑皮质的,与大脑皮质有关的或取决于大脑皮质的
- The infarction lesion was more often seen involving the cortex. 脑梗死病变部位较多累及皮质;