- WEI Jiafu, Chairman of COSCO Group, said BDI will continue to go up in 2H09. 专家认为随着DI指数升高,铁矿石交易商们又会开始囤货。
- Now, let's invite Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of COSCO Group head office, to give a speech. 下面请中远(集团)总公司魏家福总裁讲话。
- The standards taken by Capt.Wei, subsidiaries of COSCO Group and all employees to measure you work will be elevated. 魏总裁、二级公司和全体员工对你们工作的衡量标准就提高了。
- Submittal of the sustainable development report to the Det Norske Veritas for audit shows sincerity of COSCO Group. 中远集团敢于让挪威船级社进行报告的审核说明了中远集团的诚意。
- By doing so, COSCO Group demonstrated its responsibilities as a major Chinese enterprise. 中远集团向我们展现的是中国大企业的大责任观。
- Please accept my congratulations and my best wishes for COSCO Group in their development for a sustainable future! 最后我祝愿中远集团在可持续发展道路上取得更大成就,祝愿中远集团为世界的可持续发展做出更大贡献!
- COSCO Hong Kong Group was established on 28th august 1994. It is the major overseas regional headquarters and conglomerate of COSCO Group. 中远香港集团成立于1994年8月28日,是中国远洋运输集团(以下简称中远集团)在海外主要的区域管理本部和企业群体。
- The special appetent culture accumulated in the past 45 years of COSCO Group is valuable fortune that guides our leap-forward development. 中远45年来实践积淀下的独具特色的亲和文化,是始终维系并指引我们跨越前行的宝贵财富。
- First, COSCO Group is the first state-owned enterprise that compiled sustainable development report according to GRI reports. 中远集团是第一个按照GRI报告编写可持续发展报告的大型国有企业;
- COSCO Group's three-year experience in compiling the Report provides us with an operable, evaluable and effective model. 中远集团在三年的编写报告的过程,为我们提供了一套可操作、可衡量和有效的经验。
- COSCO Group is a responsible transnational group.Sustainable development of COSCO Group will benefit all related parties. 中远集团是负责任的跨国企业集团,中远集团的持续发展,必将惠及各利益相关方;
- Led by Cap Wei, COSCO Group has been playing a leading role in promoting and implementing enterprise's sustainable development. 我们非常高兴地看到,中远集团在魏总裁的领导下,在促进和贯彻企业可持续发展方面一直起着先锋表率作用。
- I expect to see more Global Compact member enterprises from China to be listed on the Global Compact Sample Report List just like COSCO Group is. 我希望在今后看到更多全球契约中国企业成员,像中远一样,登上全球契约企业报告典范榜。
- Now, let's invite Thomas Vogth-Eriksen, Vice President of DNV, to announce the audit report of COSCO Group sustainable development report. 下面由挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审核声明。
- Successful cooperation of COSCO Group and the Harbor Bureau of the State of Massachusetts improved influences of Chinese enterprises in the U. 中远与马萨诸塞州港务局的成功合作,提升了中国企业在美国的影响力,成就了中美两国互利双赢的一段佳话。
- As members of COSCO Group, we love our career and our enterprise, and we will spare no efforts to fulfill the grand plans of COSCO Group. 作为中远集团的每一名员工,我们热爱自己的事业,热爱自己的企业,并将为中远集团宏伟蓝图的实现而不懈努力!
- COSCO Group is the first state-owned enterprise that compiled sustainable development report according to GRI reports;2. 中远集团是第一个按照GRI报告编写可持续发展报告的国有企业;
- COSCO Group has integrated the sustainable development report and corporate management system through management innovation. 中远集团通过管理创新把可持续发展报告和企业管理体系结合在一起。
- For birthdays of employees, labor unions of COSCO Group's subsidiaries will send them birthday cards and will give them consolation money for congratulations. 每逢员工生日,各公司工会都会送上生日贺卡并附上慰问金以表祝贺;