- At the thought of this, Jerusha could not help but laugh. 这麽一想,洁茹忍不住笑了起来。
- He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms. 他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。
- Dunn said that Robbie's ridiculous to let his teammates could not help but laugh, but he warned that if the cross-border Robinho, he would bluntly against him. 邓恩称,罗比的滑稽动作让队友忍不住笑,但他警告,如果罗比尼奥越界,他会毫不客气地打击他。
- I could not help but laugh. 我不禁笑出来。
- The cause could not help but be advanced today. 今天不能不推进这一事业。
- The policeman could not help but let him go. 警察无可奈何,只好让他走了。
- We could not help but walk from dawn to dusk. 我们不得不从黎明走到黄昏。
- She could not help but leave there. 她只好离开那里。
- They could not help but stop and stare. 她们情不自禁地停下来,看着那些珠宝。
- I could not help but bursting into laughter. 我忍不住大笑了起来。
- I could not help but describe it right now. 现在,我忍不住要把那一刻的美丽描述下来。
- And I once again could not help but want the grief. 而我,一次又一次的忍不住的想要忧伤。
- We could not help but to look for another hotel to stay in. 我们只好另投旅馆住宿。
- As she spoke rather loudly we could not help but overhear what she said. 因为她拉开嗓门说话,所以我们不免听到她的话。
- We could not help but want to know, Guangdong Olivetti control people? 我们禁不住想知道,广东好利获得的控制人是谁?
- But a Platonist cannot help but wonder why it could not have been different. 可是一个柏拉图的信徒却无法不质疑,为什麽它不可以不同?
- Langdon could not help but feel a deep sense of loss at the curator's death. 兰登禁不住的为这位馆长的死感到惋惜。
- Could not help but laugh 忍不住笑了起来
- Ni Zhou Yong could not help but nose-acid, the tears would trickle down. 周咏霓禁不住鼻子一酸,泪水便滴了下来。
- He could not but laugh to see the sight. 看到这些情景,他不由自主地笑了起来。