- On Relations between Administrative Litigation and Criminal Private Prosecution 论行政诉讼与刑事自诉的关系
- Restorative Justice and Perfection of Our Criminal Private Prosecution System 从恢复性司法看我国刑事自诉制度的改革与完善
- On Rule of Distribution of Evidential Burden in Criminal Private Prosecution Cases of Intellectual Property Right 论知识产权刑事自诉案件中举证责任的分配原则
- On The Question And Perfection of The Range of Case of Criminal Private Prosecution 现行刑事自诉案件范围质疑与完善
- A Brief Comment on the Subject of Criminal Private Prosecution and Its Disposition 略论刑事自诉主体及其处分权
- On the Deficiency and Perfection of the Range of Case of Criminal Private Prosecution 论刑事自诉案件范围的不足与完善
- The understanding of the system of victim - offender - Reconciliation and the reform of the system of criminal private prosecution in our country 关于我国刑事自诉制度改革问题的思考--以刑事和解制度为借鉴
- Criminal Private Prosecution 刑事自诉
- He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor. 他威胁要对医生提起民事诉讼。
- Cases of private prosecution shall be handled directly by the People's Courts. 自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。
- Private prosecution is an old way of prosecutions. 自诉是一种古老的追诉方式。
- A defendant in a case of private prosecution shall have the right to entrust persons as his defenders at any time. 自诉案件的被告人有权随时委托辩护人。
- Criminal case of private prosecution 刑事自诉
- Criminal system of private prosecution 刑事自诉制度
- Although the abatement of private prosecution system is a long-disputed issue, it is worthy of being discussed again. 其存废虽是争议已久的课题,却并非明日黄花,而仍值得严肃讨论。
- Article 173 In the process of the proceedings, the defendant in a case of private prosecution may raise a counterclaim against the private prosecutor. 第一百七十三条自诉案件的被告人在诉讼过程中,可以对自诉人提起反诉。
- Its most celebrated act was to bring a private prosecution against a priory of Norbertine monks who kept 650 veal calves. 该组织最为著名的行动是对诺伯丁一所小修道院的修士们提起的自诉。
- A private prosecution alleges the judge knowingly twisted the law to push his case despite an amnesty passed after Franco's death. 原告指控加尔松为图案件进展,有意歪曲法律,并对弗朗哥死后颁布的特赦令置若罔闻。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Private prosecution system is not only to protect the rights of the victims, but also to prevent the prosecutors from violating the law or abusing the power of nonprosecution. 惟自诉制度不但有保护被害人权益的消极意涵,积极面更能防止检察官违反法定原则,滥权不起诉。