- Crown lighting area 树冠采光面积
- This is a lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow. 这是本影和阴影边缘之间较亮的区域。
- Except lighting area, other place will apply no light black lacquer to ensure good display effect. 除发光部分其他位置采用无光黑漆处理保证显示效果。
- What we see as the sun is only its surface light area, which has a temperature of about 6000 degrees Celcius and which is part of the "cooler" area. 我们看到的太阳其实只是它表面的光球层,温度约为6000摄氏度,属比较“凉爽”部分。
- Kok do in the bedroom window general, expanded vision and lighting area, the amount of flaring - type design can make generous bay windows into a comfortable seating. 角窗一般做在次卧室,扩大了视野和采光面积,外飘型的设计又可以使宽大的窗台成为一个舒适的座椅。
- After sunset, please stay within lighted areas. 日落之后,请留在照明领域。
- An image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light. 底片像一种映像,在里面物体的有光的部分显示出暗色,而阴暗的部位显示出光亮
- The crown of St Wenceslas was in prague cathedral. 圣文萨斯雷的皇冠保存在布拉格大教堂。
- It is forbidden to drive a forklift in dimly lit area, forklift headlights should be used when necessary. 禁止在光线不足的情况下驾驶叉车,必要时要使用车灯。
- The rear takes a similar theme with the black clad camouflage hiding the rear fog lights area. 的后部采取了类似的主题与身着黑色的伪装藏匿后雾灯区。
- The crown was beset with diamonds and jewels. 皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和珠宝。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- For more safety don't run away to a back alley or a dark secluded spot, run towards a brightly lit area where there are lots of people. 为更安全,不跑开了后巷或黑暗寻幽,冲向一个灯火通明的地方,有很多的人。
- For the lighter area on the shark s belly and around its mouth, I used the lasso tool to select the area and lightened it using the dodge tool. 做鲨鱼腹部和嘴部周围的高光区域时,我用套索工具选择所需要提亮的部分然后用减淡工具(涂抹)。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
- The light areas with brightness-values greater than 100 subtly blend out and you can effectively put everything underneath it that comes along. 根据地区的亮度值大于100的巧妙融合,并可以有效地把所有东西都放到下面来了。
- Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown. 查尔斯王子是王位的合法继承人。
- Provide a clean, dry, well lighted area free of distractions. A breeding mat helps provide footing. A boar that slips during mounting may be shy about attempting it again. 训练场地应该清洁、干燥、光照良好且无干扰。地上铺上一个防滑垫可有助于公猪站稳,公猪在爬跨时滑倒会羞于再次爬跨。
- That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels. 与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。