- CuS nanostructure 硫化铜纳米结构
- We accept orders according to cus. 我们接受客户订货、来料加工和补偿贸易。
- Cus he has no ability to accept it. 因为最近自己的事,于是我回答“No;never.
- I can't get there 'cus I have been dated. 因事先另有约会,我无法前来。
- He critized me 'cus I didn't finish the business on time. 他因我没及时完成工作而批评我。
- Quantum Confinement Analysis of Nanostructure in oxidation of SiGe alloys[J]. 引用该论文 黄伟其;蔡绍洪;刘世容.
- Nanostructure YPSZ coating was fabricated by plasma spraying technology. 研究采用等离子体喷涂制备纳米结构YPSZ涂层。
- A STAR is the representative Office of CUS INTERNATIONAL S. R. L. - Italian Garment Trading Company. CUS国际有限公司杭州代表处。
- The results show that the existence of CuS nanoparticles can reduce fretting wear evidently. 结果表明:硫化铜纳米粒子能显著降低微动磨损体积,随着纳米粒子含量增加,微动磨损量降低;
- Technologically, one must design a workable EMR nanostructure that can be fabricated using convenient techniques. 技术上,我们必须设计出现有技术就能制造的可用奈米EMR结构。
- Price is a n impor ta n t v a ri able in our m a rke t ,so we c a n use i t to build our cus t omer b a se. 价格在我们市场上是个重要的变量,所以我们可以利用价格建立我们的顾客基数。
- The plasmon response absorption peak broadens due to the special dendritic nanostructure. 由于树枝状的特殊结构,其等离子体共振吸收峰出现较大的宽化。
- We are not able to give you any information until we get permission from the cus tomers themselves. 在得到该顾客的许可之前,我们暂时无法提供任何情报给贵公司。
- Being exposed to surface science, I am interested in mesoscopic systems and nanostructure materials. 许许多多的人可以有类似的经历和背景,但他们生命中的具体经历一定具有独特的场景。
- We have energy calculators online now, and more and more cus tomers are paying attention to them. 我们目前拥有在线能源计量器,越来越多的消费者正在注意到它们。
- The capability of the nanostructure cermet coating and principle of plasma spraying are introduced in detail. 详细介绍了等离子喷涂的原理及纳米结构金属陶瓷涂层的性能。
- The nanostructure of composites can also provide great mechanical strength in relatively light materials. 复合材料的纳米结构也能使较轻的材料具有很大机械强度。
- Phase Relaxation of Frenkel Exciton Migration in the Nanostructure Mixed Molecular Aggregates[J]. 引用该论文 刘俊业;郑植仁;刘春旭;窦恺;黄世华;虞家琪.
- In recent years, synthesis of composite nanowires has been a hot topic in field of low dimension nanostructure. 摘要近年来,复合纳米线的制备成为低维纳米结构研究的一个热点。
- Tell urself not to think abt wat's passed cus it was already the past. U cant possibly turn bk time. so no point probing into wat had past. 不过奉劝大家一句话,如果真的做错选择而感到后悔,千万不能钻牛角尖,因为“早知道”就中马票了。以下是亲身经历的一些建议: