- The land consolidetion is a core content on the new period that deepening the land manage,implementing the land fundamental contry policy and achieveing the cultivated land total developments balance. 土地整理是新时期深化土地管理,贯彻土地基本国策,实现耕地总量动态平衡的核心内容。
- Cultivated land management 土地规模经营
- We transformed the wilderness into cultivated land. 我们变荒原为耕地。
- We saw fields and cultivated land everywhere. 我们看见到处是田畴和耕地。
- We have a vast expanse of cultivated land. 我们有大片的耕地。
- Scope: Land management. Land management. 经营范围:国土管理。
- It is a pity to let this cultivated land lie idle. 这些耕地丢荒了,真让人可惜。
- Law provides land planning, land management and compliance tools. 法律是土地规划、管理和实施的工具。
- Surveyors are measuring the size of the cultivated land. 测量人员正在测量这片耕地的地积。
- The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good. 这几亩耕田的土质极好。
- Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau. 地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托。
- The hilly area accounts for a third of the county's cultivated land. 丘陵地占该县耕地面积的三分之一。
- Cadastre management is the basic work in land management work system. 地籍管理是土地管理的基础技术性工作。
- Strengthen the protection of basic farmland, strict land management. 加强对基本农田的保护,严格用地管理。
- Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited. 禁止乱占耕地和滥用土地的行为。
- Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests. 退耕还林和天然林保护工程建设取得成效。
- It must be said in favour of leys that they give much more flexibility in grass land management. 必须充分肯定轮作草场在管理方面有较大的灵活性。
- We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。
- The proportion of the area of various cash crops to the cultivated land rose from 27.6 percent in 2000 to 35 percent. 各类经济作物占耕地面积的比重由上年的27.;6%25上升到35%25。
- We have expanded the machine-ploughed area to 90 per cent of the cultivated land. 我们把机耕面积扩大到了耕地的百分之九十。